- AMAZONと仲間達
- by suna
- 2009/11/09 月 10:22
「AMAZON紅葉ツーリング」が、11月7日(土)、8日(日)の両日、行われました。11月7日(土)午前7時半に東北自動車道の佐野SAに集合したのは、AMAZON123GTのAさん(群馬・桐生)とはるばる名古屋から夜を徹して走って来てくれた”赤アマゾン”ことGさん、そして、122SのNさん(神奈川・相模)と、123GTが板金中で、仕方なくハイラックス・サーフで参加のOさんに、私の「・122」AMAZONの5台。本来は、122SのKさん(東京・中野)と、新たに仲間に加わったCさん(神奈川・鎌倉)の122Sの合計7台が集まる予定でしたが、そうは簡単に話は進みませんでした。Kさんは、感冒性下痢に苦しんでいるそうで、遅れて西那須野塩原ICで合流、Cさんは、電気系統のトラブルで、午前3時に鎌倉を出発したものの、八王子の整備工場に寄ることとなり、夕方のホテル合流。ということで、差し当たって、4台のAMAZONと1台のハイラックス・サーフでスタート。東北自動車道の西那須野塩原ICへと向かいました。西那須野塩原ICから塩原温泉へと向かった「菓茶寮林檎庵」というカフェで小休止。「”りんご”庵」というくらいですからアップルパイを堪能して、体調の優れないKさんのAMAZONも合流、この度の「AMAZON紅葉ツーリング」が始まりました。その後、「ゲストハウス ダーナラ」のオーナーOさんと待ち合わせをして、塩原温泉に置いてあるOさんのPV444とDuetを拝見しました。数年前まで実動していたというだけに、旧いVolvoのわりにはコンディションも良さそうで、来年からのレストアと実動復帰に期待が膨らみます。そして、そのガレージから、”山道”を歩いて、渓谷にひっそりと佇む、Oさんに言わせると「世界遺産”級”」の蕎麦屋さんへ。確かに、「こんな所」に、今にも崩れ落ちそうな「こんな建物」が、、、と、驚きながらも、紅葉の美しい渓谷で、川のせせらぎをBGMに、お蕎麦とおでん、名物”草だんご”など「秘境の味」を堪能しました。のんびりとくしたくつろぎの後、Oさんの先導で向かった、福島県南会津の「ゲストハウス ダーナラ」(http://www.dalarna.jp/guest/about.html)は、萱葺き屋根の古民家を改築したそうで、まるで、ヨーロッパの田舎の街角に来たような錯覚さえ覚える素晴らしいゲストハウスでした。AMAZONを並べれば、本当にスウェーデンそのもの、、、。近くの「赤湯温泉」で、赤い鉄分を多量に含んだ”赤い”お湯の気持ち良い露天風呂で山々の美しい紅葉を楽しんで、「ゲストハウス ダーナラ」へ戻ると、トラブルを克服してやって来たCさんのAMAZONも到着。早速、古民家そのままの囲炉裏を囲んで、オーナーのOさん差し入れの会津の地酒でアペリティフ。Oさんご自慢の本格的スウェーデン料理の晩餐後も、美味しいワイントとともに、AMAZON談義に”酔いしれ”会津の夜は、賑やかに更けていきました。
We started off on a 2 day "Amazon Autumn Foliage Tour" on Saturday 7th. The meeting place was Sano SA on the Tohoku expressway at 7am. 5 Amazons were able to get there - Mr. A with his 123GT from Kiryu Gunma, Mr. G with his red Amazon from Nagoya, and Mr.N with his 122S from Sagami Kanagawa. Mr. O came with this Hilux Surf as his 123GT was not able to leave the shop in time. Mr. K's 122S from Nakano and Mr. C's 122S from Kamakura were also supposed to join, but things never go as planned. Mr. K. had come down with a flu and came later to join us at Shiobara IC while Mr. C suffered from electrical problems and despited leaving Kamakura at 3am, he had to stop by the service shop in Hachioji and was not able to get to the hotel until later in the evening. Anyway, 4 Amazons and 1 Hilux Surf start off towards the Nishinasu Shiobara IC. There was a cafe famous for apples so we stopped by for some apple pie. Mr. K's Amazon was able to catch up with us here. We met up with the owner of Guesthouse Dalarna Mr. O to see his PV444 Duet which he keeps in Shiobara. This PV444 had been in working conditions until a few years ago and was in good condition so we all look forward to have it up and working again after being restored next year. We walked down the mountain path from there to go to a Soba shop which was located in a "hidden spot" at the bottom of a ravine. We were all surprised that they were able to have a soba shop in such a location, but we enjoyed our soba & oden with the autumn leaves surrounding us and the sound of the river running. From there, with Mr O at the lead, we drove out to Minami Aizu Fukushima to Guesthouse Dalarna. It is a renovated old Japanese house, but looks like and old European house. With the Amazons lined up in front, one could fantasize that we were all in Sweden. We went over to the onsen - Akaonsen for a dip with another beautiful scenary of autumn leaves. We found that Mr. C had finally made it to the guest house when we got back and we all got around the hearth for a round of local sake. Then out came a great parade of swedish food with wine. Time past quickly as we ate, drank and talked endlessly about our Amazons.
We started off on a 2 day "Amazon Autumn Foliage Tour" on Saturday 7th. The meeting place was Sano SA on the Tohoku expressway at 7am. 5 Amazons were able to get there - Mr. A with his 123GT from Kiryu Gunma, Mr. G with his red Amazon from Nagoya, and Mr.N with his 122S from Sagami Kanagawa. Mr. O came with this Hilux Surf as his 123GT was not able to leave the shop in time. Mr. K's 122S from Nakano and Mr. C's 122S from Kamakura were also supposed to join, but things never go as planned. Mr. K. had come down with a flu and came later to join us at Shiobara IC while Mr. C suffered from electrical problems and despited leaving Kamakura at 3am, he had to stop by the service shop in Hachioji and was not able to get to the hotel until later in the evening. Anyway, 4 Amazons and 1 Hilux Surf start off towards the Nishinasu Shiobara IC. There was a cafe famous for apples so we stopped by for some apple pie. Mr. K's Amazon was able to catch up with us here. We met up with the owner of Guesthouse Dalarna Mr. O to see his PV444 Duet which he keeps in Shiobara. This PV444 had been in working conditions until a few years ago and was in good condition so we all look forward to have it up and working again after being restored next year. We walked down the mountain path from there to go to a Soba shop which was located in a "hidden spot" at the bottom of a ravine. We were all surprised that they were able to have a soba shop in such a location, but we enjoyed our soba & oden with the autumn leaves surrounding us and the sound of the river running. From there, with Mr O at the lead, we drove out to Minami Aizu Fukushima to Guesthouse Dalarna. It is a renovated old Japanese house, but looks like and old European house. With the Amazons lined up in front, one could fantasize that we were all in Sweden. We went over to the onsen - Akaonsen for a dip with another beautiful scenary of autumn leaves. We found that Mr. C had finally made it to the guest house when we got back and we all got around the hearth for a round of local sake. Then out came a great parade of swedish food with wine. Time past quickly as we ate, drank and talked endlessly about our Amazons.
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