「Rally Nippon」2日目 まさかの出会い
- AMAZONとクラシックイベント
- by suna
- 2009/10/19 月 07:16
[Rally Nippon]2日目の朝は、快晴。爽やかな夜明けで迎えました。午前8時のスタートを前に、ラリー初日の荒天を、愛車と共に東京〜岐阜を走り切った参加者は、朝早くからホテル前で暖気や調整を始めていました。そんなクラシックカー独特のエンジン音に目覚め、もう、すでに「・122」AMAZONが戦線離脱し、何もやることがない私でしたが、少し早めにホテルエントランスに下りてみました。ところが、驚き、エントランスのまん前に、AMAZON、それも、ほとんど私の「・122」と同じ色のAMAZON123GTがとまっており、カメラマンが写真を撮り、観客がAMAZONを覗き込んでいます。思わず、寝ぼけているのでは、、、と目をこすってしまいました。で、そのAMAZONの横にVOLVOのジャンパーを来た年配の方がいらっしゃったので「このAMAZONのオーナーの方ですか、、」と聞くと、「いやー、何だか知らないが、友人に誘われて、今日一日ラリーに参加することになってしまった、、、」とのこと。そういえば、18日(日)の一日だけ、岐阜、白川郷、高山周回のコースを岐阜近郊のクラシックカーが“特別参加”することになっていたのです。早々にご挨拶して、私の「・122」AMAZONが、ラリー初日でリタイアしてしまったことなどをお話したところ「ラリーなんてやったことも、見たこともない、、、。どうやって走るの?」とのこと。これ幸いと、ラリーとは、、、こうやって走るのですよ、、、などを説明しつつ、「もし、良かったら、リアシートでご一緒させていただけませんか、、、」と言ってみました。その答えは「あー良かった、是非一緒に一日走りましょう」と、降って湧いたようなお誘いを受けることになりました。このAMAZON123GTのオーナーは、岐阜の繁華街で有名な居酒屋を経営するYさん。70歳にはとても見えない元気な方で、67歳の弟さんと二人で、「お店のお客様に誘われて」ラリー初参加。AMAZON123GTは、45年前からワンオーナーでずっと乗り続けているそうで、完全オリジナル、、、とのこと。ということで、ゼッケンは69番を貼ると、遠目には、「・122」AMAZONの復活の様です。リアシートに陣取り、朝8時34分のスタートでホテル駐車場の2連「線踏み」から始めました。元気の良いYさんは、「何でこんなチマチマしたことやるの?ラリーってバーっと走るんじゃないの?もっと早い抜け道知ってるよ、、、」と言いつつ、私の「コマ図通りに皆と同じコースを辿らなくてはダメ」の一言に従って、勝手知った岐阜市内を走り抜け、高速道路を快調に飛ばして白川郷へ。生憎、白川郷では小雨が降り出し、日曜日の「どぶろく祭り」で大渋滞。それでも合掌造りの街並みと大勢の見物客のカメラのフラッシュと声援を“かき分けて”「Rally Nippon」最初のハイライトを楽しみました。とはいえ、AMAZON123GTは、大渋滞とスロー走行でオーバーヒート。水温計の針とにらめっこで冷や汗をかきながら最初の「世界遺産」通過となりました。その後、高山郡上八幡の旧い街並みなどのパスコントロール、紅葉の美しいワインディングロードでのシークレットCP(平均指示速度計時)などを経て午後5時過ぎに長良川沿いの2連「線踏み」で、無事ラリー2日目を終了。とても充実した楽しい一日をYさんとAMAZONN123GTと共に過ごすことが出来ました。夜7時からは、長良川沿いの特設会場で、ガーデンパーティ。美味しい鮎三昧とお酒を堪能し、雅楽ミュージシャンTさんの素晴らしい生演奏を聴きながら123GTのYさんに「こんな出会いってあるんですね、、」と言ったところ、「AMAZONがお互いを繋いでくれたんだよ、、、これからも宜しく」とおっしゃいました。さらに、「ラリーって面白いね、まずは壊れているトリップメーター直して、キッチンタイマーを買って、弟と練習だな、、、」とヤル気満々でした。日曜はお店がお休みとのことで、Yさんの居酒屋にはお邪魔出来ませんでしたが、一晩中でもYさんとAMAZON談義で杯を交わしたい、、、そんな、とても幸せな出会いでした。本当にAMAZONが作ってくれた出会いに感謝の一日でした。明日は、午前7時半に岐阜をスタートして奈良へ向かいます。
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Rally Nippon started off on its second leg under clear skies. Before the start at 8am, the classic cars that had weathered the strom between Tokyo and Gifu were busy with final adjustment and warming their engines. My .122 Amazon had already dropped out of the race, but I made my way a bit early to the entrance of the hotel. To my surprise, I saw an Amazon 123GT which was almost the same color as my .122 parked in front of the hotel. I thought I was seeing things for a moment when I saw an older gentlement witha Volvo jacket standing next to the car. I inquired whether he was the owner and he replied that he had decided to enter into this event because a friend has urged him to, but that he had never seen, let alone entered into a rally. I suddenly remembered that several classic cars were to make a special appearance on this day to run thru the course winding its way thru Gifu, Shirakawa and Takayama. I quickly explained that I had been forced to retire with my Amazon and asked whether I could sit in the rear seat of his Amazon for the day. He happily agreed. The owner - Mr. Y. (70yrs old) runs a famous Izakaya in Gifu and had participated with his younger brother (67) because a good customer at his Izakaya had invited him. He had been the owner of his .123GT for 45 years and therefore, a one owner original Amazon. After putting on the car#69, it looked like my Amazon.122 had revived. We started at 8.36h and did 2 time controls in a row. Mr. Y told me he had thought rally was about speed and driving skills and suggested that we take a short cut, but I explained that we had to follow the course map. We arrived in Shirakawa where rain started to come down again, and with the Doburoku Festival going on, the roads became congested. A crowd had gathered on both sides of the road, and we enjoyed one of the highlights of the event. Or I would like to say, but due to the congestion, the Amazon 123GT started to overheat and we had to keep our eyes glued to the water temperature. After that, it was off to Takayama and the control. The leaves had started to turn red already and we made our way past the secret control CP and goaled a bit after 16.00h at Nagara river with 2 more time controls. It was truly a great day for me. At 19.00h, the garden party started with plenty of ayu (sweetfish or Japanese trout caught by birds - cormorants - an old traditional form of fishing in Japan) and sake accompanied by music played by Mr. T. (the entrant who is a professional ancient court musician). I sat by Mr. Y and we both agreed that being an Amazon owner brings with it lots of pleasure such as new encounters with people such as we had today. Mr. Y was all ready for his next rally and he told me he would go back to purchase a trip meter and some kitchen timers and start practicing with his brother. At 8.00h we will leave Gifu for the next stage in Nara.
![CIMG0340.jpg CIMG0340.jpg](http://www.dunejp.com/amazon/img/thm284_CIMG0340.jpg)
![CIMG0344.jpg CIMG0344.jpg](http://www.dunejp.com/amazon/img/thm285_CIMG0344.jpg)
![CIMG0348.jpg CIMG0348.jpg](http://www.dunejp.com/amazon/img/thm286_CIMG0348.jpg)
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![CIMG0371.jpg CIMG0371.jpg](http://www.dunejp.com/amazon/img/thm288_CIMG0371.jpg)
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![CIMG0380.jpg CIMG0380.jpg](http://www.dunejp.com/amazon/img/thm291_CIMG0380.jpg)
![CIMG0388.jpg CIMG0388.jpg](http://www.dunejp.com/amazon/img/thm289_CIMG0388.jpg)
Rally Nippon started off on its second leg under clear skies. Before the start at 8am, the classic cars that had weathered the strom between Tokyo and Gifu were busy with final adjustment and warming their engines. My .122 Amazon had already dropped out of the race, but I made my way a bit early to the entrance of the hotel. To my surprise, I saw an Amazon 123GT which was almost the same color as my .122 parked in front of the hotel. I thought I was seeing things for a moment when I saw an older gentlement witha Volvo jacket standing next to the car. I inquired whether he was the owner and he replied that he had decided to enter into this event because a friend has urged him to, but that he had never seen, let alone entered into a rally. I suddenly remembered that several classic cars were to make a special appearance on this day to run thru the course winding its way thru Gifu, Shirakawa and Takayama. I quickly explained that I had been forced to retire with my Amazon and asked whether I could sit in the rear seat of his Amazon for the day. He happily agreed. The owner - Mr. Y. (70yrs old) runs a famous Izakaya in Gifu and had participated with his younger brother (67) because a good customer at his Izakaya had invited him. He had been the owner of his .123GT for 45 years and therefore, a one owner original Amazon. After putting on the car#69, it looked like my Amazon.122 had revived. We started at 8.36h and did 2 time controls in a row. Mr. Y told me he had thought rally was about speed and driving skills and suggested that we take a short cut, but I explained that we had to follow the course map. We arrived in Shirakawa where rain started to come down again, and with the Doburoku Festival going on, the roads became congested. A crowd had gathered on both sides of the road, and we enjoyed one of the highlights of the event. Or I would like to say, but due to the congestion, the Amazon 123GT started to overheat and we had to keep our eyes glued to the water temperature. After that, it was off to Takayama and the control. The leaves had started to turn red already and we made our way past the secret control CP and goaled a bit after 16.00h at Nagara river with 2 more time controls. It was truly a great day for me. At 19.00h, the garden party started with plenty of ayu (sweetfish or Japanese trout caught by birds - cormorants - an old traditional form of fishing in Japan) and sake accompanied by music played by Mr. T. (the entrant who is a professional ancient court musician). I sat by Mr. Y and we both agreed that being an Amazon owner brings with it lots of pleasure such as new encounters with people such as we had today. Mr. Y was all ready for his next rally and he told me he would go back to purchase a trip meter and some kitchen timers and start practicing with his brother. At 8.00h we will leave Gifu for the next stage in Nara.
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