ショック 土壇場でエンジン不調 涙の苦痛
- AMAZONとクラシックイベント
- by suna
- 2009/10/14 水 19:06
「Rally Nippon」のゼッケン番号も決まり、「さあ!」と「・122」AMAZONのエンジンをかけたところ、いきなり異音!!!。これまでも、若干の異音は気にはなっていたのですが、「何とか念願のラリーまで耐えて、、、!」と願っていたのですが、今朝の異音は、さらにカン高く、壊れる寸前の気配。さっそく、「・122」の主治医等々力のTモーターまで、なだめすかして持っていくと、「こりゃメタルかな、、。持たないだろう、、」との診断。がっくり肩を落として、「・123」AMAZONのOさん行きつけガレージにも「神頼み」の気持ちで診断を仰いだところ、、、、「多分、メタルではなくて、エンジンのカムギアの偏磨耗かギアのギャップじゃなかろうか、、、」とのこと。もう、明日、明後日の2日しかスタートまでに時間が無いのですから、当然、部品の手当をしても、スウェーデンから届くのは2週間後ですし、エンジンを開けたところで「打つ手は無し、、、」。ただ、Oさんもガレージに駆けつけてくれて、Oさんの「・123」AMAZONも入手した当時、全く同じ異音が出ていたけれど、結構耐えて、「添加剤を入れて大事に走れば、もしかしたら、、、走り切れる、、かも、、」と慰めの言葉をもらいました。さっそく、Oさんが、”その時”使ったという、「PLUS91」というエンジン添加剤を探したところ、何とトヨタのディーラーで在庫しているところが近くにあり、早速購入。もう、こうなったら、本当に「神頼み、、」です。可能性のあることは全て試すしかありません。トヨタディーラーで添加剤をいれて、差しあたって帰宅しましたが、果たして、どのような状況なのかは定かではありません。念願の「Rally Nippon」にエントリーしたのですから、何とか1000Km先の、京都のゴールまで「耐えてくれれば、、」と願うばかりです。ま、どうなることか、分かりませんが、とにかく、大事に、大事に、、完走をしたい、、。その一心です。これからじっくり善処策を考えます。あー、なんで、こんなことになってしまったのか、、、。辛い、、。の一言です。
![CIMG0221.jpg CIMG0221.jpg](http://www.dunejp.com/amazon/img/thm261_CIMG0221.jpg)
After receiving my car number, I was all set to go and put the key to the ignition of my Amazon .122. OOOOHHHH! There had always been a slight noise to the engine but today, it had increased to alarming levels! I had prayed that the engine would hold up to the rally I so looked forward to, byut noise this morning was at levels I could no longer ignore. I ran to T Motors and was told it was caused by metal and the engine would not last. My last hope lay in the garage where Mr. O goes to with his .123. This result was that they thought it was the cam gear. There is only 2 more days to the start of the big rally. No time to get any spare parts or opening up the engine. Mr. O came to the shop and told me that his .123 also had the same type of noise and recommended a certain additive. I ran off to purchase the Plus 91 that was recommended and found it at a Toyota dealer. At this point, things are literally at gods will. I really want to cross the finish line at Kyoto at the Rally Nippon but that is 1000km away. 2 more days and I must come up with some way to achieve this... why is this happening to me now?
![CIMG0221.jpg CIMG0221.jpg](http://www.dunejp.com/amazon/img/thm261_CIMG0221.jpg)
After receiving my car number, I was all set to go and put the key to the ignition of my Amazon .122. OOOOHHHH! There had always been a slight noise to the engine but today, it had increased to alarming levels! I had prayed that the engine would hold up to the rally I so looked forward to, byut noise this morning was at levels I could no longer ignore. I ran to T Motors and was told it was caused by metal and the engine would not last. My last hope lay in the garage where Mr. O goes to with his .123. This result was that they thought it was the cam gear. There is only 2 more days to the start of the big rally. No time to get any spare parts or opening up the engine. Mr. O came to the shop and told me that his .123 also had the same type of noise and recommended a certain additive. I ran off to purchase the Plus 91 that was recommended and found it at a Toyota dealer. At this point, things are literally at gods will. I really want to cross the finish line at Kyoto at the Rally Nippon but that is 1000km away. 2 more days and I must come up with some way to achieve this... why is this happening to me now?
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