いよいよ今週末「Rally Nippon」スタート
- AMAZONとクラシックイベント
- by suna
- 2009/10/13 火 11:26
今週末、17日(土)から20日(火)までの4日間、1000Kmにわたって競われる、クラシックカーラリー「Rally Nippon」にAMAZON「・122」で出場します。コ・ドライバーは、5月に行われた「Giro di Karuizawa」と同じく、元ベンツジャパン広報部長のS大先輩です。S大先輩は、AMAZONが日本に輸入された当時(1960年から1970年まで1270台を輸入)輸入元北欧自動車の親会社であるヤナセにいらっしゃいました。これまでの、日本のクラシックカーラリーの最長、最高峰の老舗イベントといえば、本日13日(火)午後5時過ぎに明治神宮にゴールする「ラフェスタ・ミレミリア」でしたが、「Rally Nippon」は、まったく新たなクラシックカーラリーとして、岐阜白川郷、奈良、京都等の「世界遺産」社寺仏閣等ををタイムコントロールとする、ユネスコの公認イベント、読売新聞の後援で開催されます。スタートは、10月17日(土)の早朝 午前7時に半蔵門「FM東京」の隣、最高裁判所に隣接した皇居の前の「国立劇場 正面駐車場」です。ゴールは、10月20日(火)午後5時 「京都 ハイアット・リージェンシー」ホテルです。通過時間は、下記のHPをご覧下さい。
![091008 RallyNipponステッカー_0003.jpg 091008 RallyNipponステッカー_0003.jpg](http://www.dunejp.com/amazon/img/thm254_file.jpg)
My .122 Amazon will enter into the Rally Nippon which will start from this Saturday and goal on the 20th covering 1000kms. My co-driver is Mr. S who used to be the PR Directori for MBJ and also was my co-driver at the Giro di Karuizawa held in May. Mr. S was actually working at Yanase when Yanase was importing the Amazon and he was involved in the importing side of business (at Scandinavian Motors). Up until now, the Mille Miglia race was the longest classic car event in Japan (goaled at Meiji Shrine today), but this Rally Nippon is a totally different type of classic car rally. It goes thru old cities of Gifu, Shirakawa, Nara, Kyoto and is officially recognized by Unesco. It is sponsored by Yomiuri Newspaper and will start at 7am on Oct 17th from the National Theatre close by to the Judiciary Court in Hanzomon. The event will make its goal at Kyoto Regency hotel at 5pm on Oct 20th.
![091008 RallyNipponステッカー_0003.jpg 091008 RallyNipponステッカー_0003.jpg](http://www.dunejp.com/amazon/img/thm254_file.jpg)
My .122 Amazon will enter into the Rally Nippon which will start from this Saturday and goal on the 20th covering 1000kms. My co-driver is Mr. S who used to be the PR Directori for MBJ and also was my co-driver at the Giro di Karuizawa held in May. Mr. S was actually working at Yanase when Yanase was importing the Amazon and he was involved in the importing side of business (at Scandinavian Motors). Up until now, the Mille Miglia race was the longest classic car event in Japan (goaled at Meiji Shrine today), but this Rally Nippon is a totally different type of classic car rally. It goes thru old cities of Gifu, Shirakawa, Nara, Kyoto and is officially recognized by Unesco. It is sponsored by Yomiuri Newspaper and will start at 7am on Oct 17th from the National Theatre close by to the Judiciary Court in Hanzomon. The event will make its goal at Kyoto Regency hotel at 5pm on Oct 20th.
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