- AMAZONとクラシックイベント
- by suna
- 2009/08/29 土 11:46
あっという間に8月も終わり、爽やかな秋風が心地よい季節となりました。さあ、クラシックラリーに最適の季節です。ということで、私は、5月末にエントリーが締め切られた「RALLY NIPPONに(に「・122」AMAZONで出場します。10月17日から20日までの4日間、東京・丸の内をスタート、清水の日本平ホテルを経由して岐阜、白川郷、奈良、そして京都と約1000Kmで競われます。「平城遷都1300年記念」としてユネスコ協会支援のもとに開催される「RALLY NIPPON」には、国内80台、海外から20台のクラシックカーの出場が予定されています。先日、金縁封筒に入った参加受理書と立派なポスター3枚が郵送されてきました。エントリー費は50万円、、と、ちょっと高いのですが、16日のレセプションパーティと宿泊は日比谷のペニンシュラ東京、岐阜は都ホテルに2泊、奈良は奈良ホテル、京都はハイアットリージェンシーということなので、高級ホテル行脚を楽しむつもりです。で、一昨日の午後7時から表参道のラルフローレンブティックで、ラルフローレン・ウオッチの発表パーティの会場に2台のクラシックカーが展示され「RALLY NIPPON」の告知PRもされていました。あとスタートまで一ヵ月半ほどですが、とても楽しみです。ま、その前の9月20日には、ちょっと足慣らしも兼ねて「伊香保クラシックカーミーティング」にもAMAZONの仲間やTACCのクラブ員の方々と出場します。いよいよクラシックラリーのシーズンに突入、、、という感じでワクワクしている今日この頃です。
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August is almost over and there is a feeling that Autumn is just around the corner. This means that the season for classic rallys is almost here. I have decided to enter into Rally Nippon with my .122 ( The rally starts from the Marunouchi area of Tokyo on the 17th and goes thru Nihon Daira at Shimizu, Gifu, Shirakawa, Nara and Kyoto. It is a 1000km rally held over 4 days. This rally is to commemorate the 1300 year of Heijo Capital and is supported by Unesco. 80 cars from Japan and 20 cars from overseas are expected to enter. I received a beautiful envelope with an acceptance letter and 3 posters. The entry fee is rather expensive at 500thd yen, but the first night, a reception will be held at the Penninsula Hotel at Tokyo, 2 nights at Gifu Miyako Hotel, followed by stays at Nara Hotel, Kyoto Hyatt Regency so hopefully, the I will get what I paid for. Yesterday from 7pm, 2 classic cars were displayed in front of the Ralph Laurent store at Omotesando. It was a joint event where RL launched their new watch and Rally Nippon did a bit of a PR stunt. The rally is about 1.5 month away and I look forward to it, but before that, I will be entering the Ikaho Classic Car Rally on September 20th.
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August is almost over and there is a feeling that Autumn is just around the corner. This means that the season for classic rallys is almost here. I have decided to enter into Rally Nippon with my .122 ( The rally starts from the Marunouchi area of Tokyo on the 17th and goes thru Nihon Daira at Shimizu, Gifu, Shirakawa, Nara and Kyoto. It is a 1000km rally held over 4 days. This rally is to commemorate the 1300 year of Heijo Capital and is supported by Unesco. 80 cars from Japan and 20 cars from overseas are expected to enter. I received a beautiful envelope with an acceptance letter and 3 posters. The entry fee is rather expensive at 500thd yen, but the first night, a reception will be held at the Penninsula Hotel at Tokyo, 2 nights at Gifu Miyako Hotel, followed by stays at Nara Hotel, Kyoto Hyatt Regency so hopefully, the I will get what I paid for. Yesterday from 7pm, 2 classic cars were displayed in front of the Ralph Laurent store at Omotesando. It was a joint event where RL launched their new watch and Rally Nippon did a bit of a PR stunt. The rally is about 1.5 month away and I look forward to it, but before that, I will be entering the Ikaho Classic Car Rally on September 20th.
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