- AMAZONとクラシックイベント
- by suna
- 2009/08/02 日 11:54
今月号のCG(カーグラフィック:二玄社刊9月号)に先回の「Giro di Karuizawa」奮戦の模様が掲載されました。タイトルには「オールド・ラリー・ボーイズの挑戦、、」とあります。ま、奮戦記というよりは、「負け惜しみ」で自己満足の記録、、、みたいなものなのですが、カラー2ページも割いていただき、写真もなかなか雰囲気があって、感謝感謝、、、です。ぜひ、ご高覧いただきたく。で、この記事にもあるように、「負け惜しみ」続きに、今、したたかに、次のリベンジ挑戦を企てています。もうちょっと長く走れば、何とか、、、ということで、10月に行われる予定の1000Km級の大型ラリーイベントに照準を合わせています。ま、その前には、9月の連休には、Volvoの仲間などと共に、伊香保で行われるワンデーラリーイベント「クラシックカーラリーミーティング」にも参加するつもりです。そういえば、今日は、「スプレンドーレ・伊香保」が行われいますね。PV544のKさんやP1800のMさんはじめ、TACCの仲間が走っています。皆さんクラシックラリーの大ベテランばかりですから、朗報を楽しみにしています。今日は、ちょっと曇り、、、小雨模様なので、暑さに弱いクラシックカーにとっては、ラリー日和かもしれませんね、、、。
Our experience at Giro di Karuizawa was taken up in the most recent Car Graphic magazine. The article was titled "Old Rally Boy's Challenge". The content was more of self satisfaction than challenge, but the article covered 2 pages and the photos really had a lot of atmosphere. Please take a look for yourselves. As the article says, I am actually thinking about revenge. Maybe if the race was over a longer distance - this has made me consider entering a rally in October that covers about 1,000 kms. Before that, I will enter the Ikaho Classic Car Meeting - a one day event. That reminds me, today is the day of "Splendore Ikaho". Mr. K (PV544) and Mr. M (P1800) and other TACC have entered the event. Today has been cloudy with intermittent rain. This is probably easier on classic cars than the searing heat so one could say it was a good rally day.
Our experience at Giro di Karuizawa was taken up in the most recent Car Graphic magazine. The article was titled "Old Rally Boy's Challenge". The content was more of self satisfaction than challenge, but the article covered 2 pages and the photos really had a lot of atmosphere. Please take a look for yourselves. As the article says, I am actually thinking about revenge. Maybe if the race was over a longer distance - this has made me consider entering a rally in October that covers about 1,000 kms. Before that, I will enter the Ikaho Classic Car Meeting - a one day event. That reminds me, today is the day of "Splendore Ikaho". Mr. K (PV544) and Mr. M (P1800) and other TACC have entered the event. Today has been cloudy with intermittent rain. This is probably easier on classic cars than the searing heat so one could say it was a good rally day.
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