- 「・122」AMAZON健康維持大作戦
- by suna
- 2009/07/15 水 12:30
昨日夕方、「・122」AMAZONの大整備を行っている整備工場に様子見に行きました。すでにエンジンはかかり、Tさんに譲っていただいたMARCHAL”デベソ”ランプも写真の様に、格好よく装着されていました。また、運転席のシート座面が、先回の「Giro di Karuizawa」の激走からか、中のコイルスプリング(65年式以降はゴムベルトなのですが、旧式AMAZONは丸いコイルスプリングに”わら”のような内部材が納まっています)が壊れて、写真の様に縫い目も破れて、コイルスプリングが飛び出しそうになっていたのですが、これも、シート屋さんに修理してもらいました。エンジン、冷却系等の洗浄、、、そして、足回りブッシュ類の交換も終わり、一気に復調したと思われるのですが、最後の床面の錆対策、、、といっても、「気休め」程度に穴を塞ぎ、錆の上からコーティング材(シリコン系)で埋める作業は残っています。ということで、完成まであと数日なのですが、明日朝から、生憎の欧州出張となってしまい、30日くらいまでは帰国出来そうにもありません。ま、梅雨も明けたことだし、猛暑が続くと思われますが、さっそうと、復調後の試乗は8月に入ってからとなりそうです。快調に生き返ったAMAZONでの走りを楽しみに、欧州での仕事に汗を流してきます。
I went over last evening to see how my .122 was getting along. The engine had already been fit, along with the Marchal lamps. After Giro di Karuizawa, the leather seat had come to the point where the coils almost burst out, but this had also been repaired. The engine, cooling system had been overhauled, the bushes around the wheels were replaced, and all that remained is to try to stop the rust. The holes had to be filled and everything had to be coated with silicon. I have to go overseas from tomorrow until August, so I will have to wait until I get back to see how it all turns out.
I went over last evening to see how my .122 was getting along. The engine had already been fit, along with the Marchal lamps. After Giro di Karuizawa, the leather seat had come to the point where the coils almost burst out, but this had also been repaired. The engine, cooling system had been overhauled, the bushes around the wheels were replaced, and all that remained is to try to stop the rust. The holes had to be filled and everything had to be coated with silicon. I have to go overseas from tomorrow until August, so I will have to wait until I get back to see how it all turns out.
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