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Day 2 of Giro started on 31st May at 08.30h. It was a course that made its way from Asama Prince hotel to Myogi Mountain, Uchiyama pass and 5 checkpoints - 9CP to 13CP - were waiting for us on this course. The weather report showed that the clouds would give way to sunshine, but it was raining from the morning. When we went out to the parking lot, the open cars were trying to make do by covering up the seats with plastic. My .122 is a four door so a bit out of place in this classic sports rally, but this weather really made me glad it had a roof. We decided to take the rally day by day and at the first 9CP, we came in 0.59 away from the scheduled time and came up to 37th place. At the next 10CP, 2.21sec difference. Not too bad, but that was when the bad started. Coming back to Karuizawa and into the Sengataki parking lot for the line crossing test, I made a big mistake. It was a continuous time control - 9.60 sec followed by 7.20sec. Here, for some unknown reason even to myself, I kind of made a short cut around the pylons, realized my mistake, stopped and reversed which led to a 20 sec penalty. At the next 12CP, we made it in 0.26 sec away, but was down to 81st place. I guess I was seriously shaken with that mistake and at the last CP, came in 10.68sec away. We had seen that the roads were jammed due to the outlet mall and we had taken a different road to get to what we thought was 2 min lead to the control time. But we had made a very simple calculation error - so be it - but left me rather disappointed. Ah, but this was my first classic car rally with lots to learn from. I really appreciate the support given by Mr. O who served as a our service car, Mr. M who came out in the rain to support us, Mr. I of TACC who taught me the ABC of classic car rally and everybody else who gave us their support.
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