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The first day of Giro started off from Asama Prince Hotel, made its way thru Komoro and Ueda City, up thru Jizo Pass and into Sugadaira, Kusatsu Onsen, Tsumagoi, down Asama Shirane Kazan route and down back into Karuizawa. A 225kn route with 8 checkpoints. It was a high speed rally with .122 only able to make it barely 5 min. within the time. The course was set within the same type of route as the Japan Alpen Rally in the past going up and down 2000m class passes which is quite a lot of work for the old classic cars in this rally. There was a 800 meter hill climb that were were able to choose whether to participate. We decided we might as well since we entered the rally, so we wset off with the Porsche 356, Louts, Lancia, Renault A110, Triumph, Alfa Romeo and other great sportscars. We felt a bit out of place but climbed up the hill on 2nd gear to get the starting point. We had to wait in line, but being a Scandinavian car, the water temperature rose and we had to turn on the electric fan. At the starting point, the official said "wow, I never expected to see an Amazon here. But I guess the Amazon has left its mark in Safari, Acropolis and Monte Carlo rallies. I really like this car". So with this strong supporting words we started off but this was and Amazon after all, and even tho the distance was only 800m there was a 20sec lag between the cars ahead of us. The CPs measured us to the 100th of a second and during this time, we had to make sure that the cars were ok, we didn't go off course. At the same time, I wondered where my comrades were. There was Mr. S on a P1800E, a Fiat50 Spider from the TACC. We sometime got to run together during the Giro which made the whole event even more enjoyable.
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