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Each entrant is allowed a support car at the "Giro". Entry fee for the rally itself was 100,000 yen which included a party and a room at the hotel for 2. The support car entry was 60,000 yen for 2 including a party. When you think about it, at this price, you would think it makes more sense to enter the rally, but for Mr.O, his .123 Amazon 123GT was in the the shop for a transmission overhaul and other. Mr. O had finished 6th at the recent Japan Historic Rally and was ideal as a support car. The support car with car no.S37 turned out to be an eye turner. The BMW was a 355 open metaltop. Only a few cars had made it to Japan and cost more than 10 mils yen. With its elegant coupe body and luxurious leather interior, the BMW was packed with Amazon parts in cardboard boxes and other misc. tools and old rags. The trunk existed for the sole purpose of storing the 3 part foldable roof so everything had to be put in the rear of the car. This extra luxury support car followed my .122 Amazon with Mr. O's wife giving us timely advice.
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