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/a>The day before the start of "Giro", Mr. S and I promised ourselves that we would not drink. But when we went to fill up at the gas station, I found a carp restaurant. I just had to have carp as after all, this was Karuizawa,so we decided to start dinner at 5.30pm but promised ourselves that we would have just one drink. Well that one drink turned out to be the first of several and I ended the evening in the hot spring of Hoshino spa. After that, I slept like a child and started the next morning at 5am. The weather report showed cloudy but outside, rain had started to fall. I had thought I would polish my Amazon before the race, but the weather not allowing, made my way to the starting point at Asama Prince at 7am. A group of famous old cars had already gathered. Mr. O had promised to act as my service team and he was already there with his BMW. With the help of Mr. O, I put my car number on and we went for the drivers meeting, started calculating timing to pass check points. Suddenly it was 9:00am and the first car was off to a start. I was no.37 so my start time was 9:19.00. I followed car no.30 Facel Vega (1962) up the ramp, my 1964 Amazon was introduced and we were thrown into the rally. The start was immediately followed by a only¡¡12 sec 1CP and 9 sec 2CP. This means that right after the start there were checkpoints where the time was measured to a 100th of second. The average speed to to 1CP was 15km/h, and 2CP was 20km/h. After being thrown into the rally, Amazon .122 had no idea what it was doing and passed 1CP with a 7sec35 difference, 2CP with a 4sec93 difference and at this point, was 78th of 89 entrants.
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