RallyNippon2011 Day4最終日
- AMAZONとクラシックイベント
- by suna
- 2011/10/26 水 01:35
RallyNippon最終日は、全4日間1000Km余りの行程の残り200Kmほどを琵琶湖畔長浜ロイヤルホテルから琵琶湖大橋を経て対岸の比叡山から京都へち至るルートでした。午前8時半にゼッケン1番から順次、長浜ロイヤルホテルの駐車場横の直線に設定された「線踏み」からスタート。最終日最初の3連「線踏み」は50mを10秒、30mを6秒、20mを5秒という、若干スピードの高い設定。慎重にアタックしたのですが、最初の50mが長く、スピードを殺せずにコンマ5秒早着。さらにリズムが早目で、全部コンマ3秒以上の早着をしてしまいました。ま、1秒以内の誤差ではあるのですが、これでは、ダメです。またまた気落ちしてコースオン。彦根城を周回し、琵琶湖畔を走行。琵琶湖大橋を渡れば奥比叡ドライブウェイから一気にワインディングロードを登り詰めて比叡山延暦寺へ。この延暦寺の駐車場で、今年のRallyNippon最後の「線踏み」が行われました。最終3連「線踏み」は30mを8秒、20mを5秒、20mを6秒という、一見簡単そうでいて、なかなか微妙な設定。何とかきっちり締め括ろうと臨んだのですが、「ヨシッ」というほど満足出来るものではなく、コンマ3秒、コンマ4秒、コンマ4秒誤差、、、という具合で終わってしまいました。精進料理を頂き、国宝「根本中堂」に参拝し、荘厳な雰囲気の中に身を置きながら、「線踏み」で、コンマ00秒を突き詰めることの難しさと奥深さを改めて悟ったのでありました。その後は、比叡山ドライブウェイを下りて、京都市内を抜け、下賀茂神社からゴールの上賀茂神社へクラシックカーを連ねて、いわばパレードラン。沿道で手を振り暖かく迎えてくれる人々に応えながらゴールの上賀茂神社に到着すると、例年にも増して大勢の観衆の方々が待ち受けていました。午後3時半、「・122」AMAZONにとって3回目のRallyNipponが終わりました。前半2日の荒天候、後半2日は秋晴れの快晴に恵まれたものの、「天気晴朗なれど“線踏み”コンマ00秒への道は険し、、」というところでした。ただ、クラシックカーラリー大ベテランのTさんにコ・ドライバーとして乗ってもらったことで、上位グループへのきっかけは掴めました。1秒の“長さ”も体内時計に刻み込むことも出来たような気がします。上賀茂神社でRallyNippon参加者全員が「交通安全」のお祓いを受け、さらには、参加車全車が「帰路安全」のお祓いを受けて、すべてが終了したのですが、私は、一人、本堂の屋根修復の際に使用される檜皮葺の一枚に「祈願 コンマ00秒達成」としたためて奉納、お布施と共に“神頼み”もしてきました。ということで、午後7時から京都・ハイアットリージェンシーホテルでは、タキシード着用のDunhillフォーマルパーティと表彰式が行われました。京都市長、京都府長などの挨拶、そして、東儀秀樹さんのコンサートに続き、発表された「・122」AMAZONの成績は、77台中37位でした。1日目、2日目、3日目、4日目と順調に順位を上げたものの、なかなか思うに任せず、、、、の結果でした。また、来年、、、ということで、4日間1000Km余りをご一緒した参加者とのグラスを傾けての談笑は、夜が更けるのも忘れて続き、来年の再会を誓いあいました。
The last day of the 1000km 4 day race was a 200km run from Nagahama Royal Hotel on the shores of the Biwa Lake, across the great bridge, over Hiei Mountain and down into Kyoto. Car no 1 started at 8am and each car started the day with a time trial. The 3 point trial was a fast one and one with a 50m section. I made it too quickly thru the first 50m and ended up faster than was required. It was all under 1 sec but this is not enough in a classic rally. Anyway, on to Hikone Castle and around the Biwa lake and up the winding section to Hieizan. At the parking lot of Enryaku Temple, the last time trial awaited us. We tried our best, and we did not do badly, but still, lots of room for improvement. We were treated with temple vegetarian feast and a visit to the national treasure Nemotodo. I was left with the impression that it will take a lot more training for me to be attain the zen of classic car time trials. We went down the Hiei Driveway, thru the city of Kyoto and into Shimogamo Shrine. All the participated in a parade run into Kamigamo Shrine. A huge crowd awaited us at this final point. At 3pm, my .122 Amazon made it across the goal of its 3rd Rally Nippon. The weather was better than anticipated, but the times were not... We all received another blessing at the temple. I stayed after the crowd had left and wrote a prayer that I would able to achieve timings that were less than .00 sec off the mark. At least, with the help of my veteran co-driver, I was able to get a feeling. At 7pm, the final black tie dinner party sponsored by Dunhill started. The final standing were announced and my .122 Amazon was 37th among 77 entrants. Oh well. Better luck next year.

The last day of the 1000km 4 day race was a 200km run from Nagahama Royal Hotel on the shores of the Biwa Lake, across the great bridge, over Hiei Mountain and down into Kyoto. Car no 1 started at 8am and each car started the day with a time trial. The 3 point trial was a fast one and one with a 50m section. I made it too quickly thru the first 50m and ended up faster than was required. It was all under 1 sec but this is not enough in a classic rally. Anyway, on to Hikone Castle and around the Biwa lake and up the winding section to Hieizan. At the parking lot of Enryaku Temple, the last time trial awaited us. We tried our best, and we did not do badly, but still, lots of room for improvement. We were treated with temple vegetarian feast and a visit to the national treasure Nemotodo. I was left with the impression that it will take a lot more training for me to be attain the zen of classic car time trials. We went down the Hiei Driveway, thru the city of Kyoto and into Shimogamo Shrine. All the participated in a parade run into Kamigamo Shrine. A huge crowd awaited us at this final point. At 3pm, my .122 Amazon made it across the goal of its 3rd Rally Nippon. The weather was better than anticipated, but the times were not... We all received another blessing at the temple. I stayed after the crowd had left and wrote a prayer that I would able to achieve timings that were less than .00 sec off the mark. At least, with the help of my veteran co-driver, I was able to get a feeling. At 7pm, the final black tie dinner party sponsored by Dunhill started. The final standing were announced and my .122 Amazon was 37th among 77 entrants. Oh well. Better luck next year.

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