RallyNippon2011 Day2
- AMAZONとクラシックイベント
- by suna
- 2011/10/26 水 00:13
RallyNippon 2日目は、箱根・仙石原のハイアットリージェンシー箱根ホテルから、「東海道五十三次」のルートを巡り、旧東海道をひた走り、清水から浜松、そして伊良湖からフェリーで鳥羽へと渡るコース。相変わらず雨が降り続ける午前8時にゼッケン1番がスタート。「・122」AMAZONは、午前8時半には、箱根峠の旧東海道を走り始めました。つづら折れのワインディングから静岡方面を見下ろすあたりでは、時折雲の切れ目から青空が顔を出し始め、天気回復かな、、、と思わせることもありましたが、やはり、すぐに雨の中の走行となります。途中、旧東海道の宿場町などへと脇道へそれるコースは、由比漁港のスタンプポイントへ。ここでは、由比漁港の方々が名物の桜海老の天ぷらを配ってくださいました。今朝は、ワイパーの修復などを試み、朝食の時間が無かったこともあり、せっかくいただいた桜エビなのですから、、、と、出店でそばを注文。桜えびそばを、、、と、カウンター前で出来上がりを待っていると、コ・ドライバーのTさんが「SUNAさん!!、車が動いてる!!!」との叫び声。振り向くと「・122」AMAZONが、ユルユルと漁港の岸壁に向かって動いているではありませんか!!慌てて二人で車の前に走り、岸壁すれすれでストップ。この岸壁、微妙に傾斜していて、さらにサイドブレーキをかけるのか甘かったのが原因です。ま、とにかく「・122」AMAZONが漁港に落ちるのは避けられました。驚きの朝食後も旧東海道を走り続け、静岡の駿府城跡にある駿府公園に到着したのは午前11時過ぎ。ここでランチ前の3連続「線踏み」です。またまた、ぐるりと回るコースは、50mを16秒、30mを10秒、20mを6秒の連続「線踏み」です。ここでも、鬼門は、最初の50m16秒です。距離が長いだけに調整がミソです。で、この鬼門でやってしまいました、、。なんと、1秒以上も早着通過してしまったのです。それまでは、何とかコンマ1秒以下でまとめていただけに、ショック!!。続く30m、20mもその早着の影響で???落ち込んで駿府城の中でのランチにも箸が進みません。駿府公園からのスタートには、3人の“ピエロ”が、私のミスをあざ笑うように見送ってくれました。しかし、落ち込んでいても仕方ありません。気を取り直して一路、東名静岡ICから土砂降りの雨が降り続く高速道路をクラシックカーが編隊を作り浜松西ICへ。浜松からは、また旧東海道を走り、浜名湖畔を眺めながら豊橋を経て伊良湖のフェリー埠頭へ。フェリー乗船前にまたまた3連「線踏み」です。心機一転臨んだ「線踏み」は、30m10秒、40m12秒、30m8秒というこれまた回り込む設定。もの凄いコンセントレーションで臨み、最初と2番目は、バッチりだったのですが、最後の8秒、窓から雨の中、身を乗り出してカウントするコ・ドライバーのTさんが、手頸をヒラヒラさせるのを“早い”と勘違いしてアクセルオフ。なんてことはありません。そのまま、、、とTさんは指示したのですが、遅れてしまいました、、、。(涙)そんなこんなのドタバタでしたが、貸切りフェリーに乗ってしまえば、何もすることはありません。1時間の乗船で三重県・鳥羽へ。乗船時は晴れ間も見えて、やっと、雨ともお別れ、、、“不運”ともお別れ、、、などと船内でアイスクリームなどを食べて頭を冷やしていたのですが、なんてことはありません。午後5時半過ぎで真っ暗となった鳥羽港では、土砂降りの雨に雷まで鳴り響いていました。鳥羽港から2Kmほどの鳥羽国際ホテルに到着し、主催者が配ってくれたビニールカバーを「・122」AMAZONにかけて、早々に夕食会場へ。今宵のテーブルには、モータージャーナリストや編集仲間が集い、さながら本業の「媒体試乗会の宴席」。皆んな、クラシックラリー経験の豊富な方々ばかりなのですが、「線踏み」論に花が咲き、喧々諤々、、。でも、一番ためになったのは、「Giro di Karuizawa」で5連勝もしている大ベテランのOさんご夫妻の「線踏み」指南でした。なるほどという「匠の技」が、次から次へと飛び出し、、、もう、何だか分からない世界!!その余韻で、Barの前を通過することも出来ずに、コ・ドライバーのTさんと中に入ると、そこには、今日ずっと一緒に走っていたドイツから参加する1955年BenzのPさん。今回のRallyNipponには、ドイツ、アメリカ、イタリアそして、台湾、などからの遠征組がたくさんいます。多分、日本で一番外人遠征組が多いのも今年の「RallyNippon」の特徴かもしれません。そんなインターナショナルな雰囲気でワイワイとグラスを傾け、鳥羽の夜は更けていったのでした。
The 2nd day of Rally Nippon started off from Hakone Sengokubara Hyatt Regency. The route carried us thru the ancient roads of Tokaido 53 stages. From Shimizu, thru Hamamatsu, around Irako and onto the ferry towards Toba. Car no1 started at 8am and my .122 Amazon started at 8.30am. As we wound our way down into Shizuoka, blue skies started to show themselves thru the clouds and hinted of the weather turning towards the better, but this quickly turned out the opposite and we were driving thru rain again. We stopped by Yui port and were rewarded by a bowl of hot soba topped with the local delicacy sakura shrimp. I had been working on the wipers of my Amazon this morning so didn't have time to have breakfast. The soba was a welcome treat but just as i was about to get my chipsticks into it, my co-driver shouted that my Amazon was moving ! I turned around just in time to see my Amazon slowing making its way down towards the harbor wall. We ran out to stop the car right before it hit the wall. The port was gently inclined and I had not pulled the side brake. After this slight surprise, we drove out and reached the Sunpu castle at around 11am. Another time control awaited us before lunch. This was another circled time control and I made a rather big mistake causing me to cross the first control around 1sec early. I was never able to get over this and it affected the 2nd remaining time measurements... We left the Sunfu park with clowns waving at us, but no time to be feeling low. Off againg to rainy Tomei expressway and on to Hamamatsu West IC. From Hamamatsu, we used the old Tokai road again and went on to Irako Ferry landing passing by Hamana Lake and thru Toyohashi. Right before we got onto the ferry, another 3 time measurement awaited us. The first 2 points went great, but at the 3rd point, my co-driver who was leaning out of the window to get a better view of the measurement point was waving his hand. I understood this to mean that I should slow down, whereas he meant for me to keep going. You can imagine what this meant. Oh well, we made our way onto the ferry, fed on some icecream to work out the tension building and spent an hour to get to Toba. It was completely dark and some thunder welcomed us along with heavy rain. We got to the Toba Kokusai Hotel which was about 2km away from the ferry port, covered my .122 and rushed off towards dinner. A group of motor journalists gathered at our table. They were all classic rally experts and we spent the evening discussing the techniques of time controls. The best advice came from Mr. & Mrs. O who have been winning Giro di Karuizawa for 5 years in a row. We couldn't stay away from the bar and we were joined by Mr. P from Germany driving a 1955 Benz. The Rally Nippon has become an international rally with entrants from Germany, the US, Italy and Taiwan and each year it becomes more exciting and competitive.

The 2nd day of Rally Nippon started off from Hakone Sengokubara Hyatt Regency. The route carried us thru the ancient roads of Tokaido 53 stages. From Shimizu, thru Hamamatsu, around Irako and onto the ferry towards Toba. Car no1 started at 8am and my .122 Amazon started at 8.30am. As we wound our way down into Shizuoka, blue skies started to show themselves thru the clouds and hinted of the weather turning towards the better, but this quickly turned out the opposite and we were driving thru rain again. We stopped by Yui port and were rewarded by a bowl of hot soba topped with the local delicacy sakura shrimp. I had been working on the wipers of my Amazon this morning so didn't have time to have breakfast. The soba was a welcome treat but just as i was about to get my chipsticks into it, my co-driver shouted that my Amazon was moving ! I turned around just in time to see my Amazon slowing making its way down towards the harbor wall. We ran out to stop the car right before it hit the wall. The port was gently inclined and I had not pulled the side brake. After this slight surprise, we drove out and reached the Sunpu castle at around 11am. Another time control awaited us before lunch. This was another circled time control and I made a rather big mistake causing me to cross the first control around 1sec early. I was never able to get over this and it affected the 2nd remaining time measurements... We left the Sunfu park with clowns waving at us, but no time to be feeling low. Off againg to rainy Tomei expressway and on to Hamamatsu West IC. From Hamamatsu, we used the old Tokai road again and went on to Irako Ferry landing passing by Hamana Lake and thru Toyohashi. Right before we got onto the ferry, another 3 time measurement awaited us. The first 2 points went great, but at the 3rd point, my co-driver who was leaning out of the window to get a better view of the measurement point was waving his hand. I understood this to mean that I should slow down, whereas he meant for me to keep going. You can imagine what this meant. Oh well, we made our way onto the ferry, fed on some icecream to work out the tension building and spent an hour to get to Toba. It was completely dark and some thunder welcomed us along with heavy rain. We got to the Toba Kokusai Hotel which was about 2km away from the ferry port, covered my .122 and rushed off towards dinner. A group of motor journalists gathered at our table. They were all classic rally experts and we spent the evening discussing the techniques of time controls. The best advice came from Mr. & Mrs. O who have been winning Giro di Karuizawa for 5 years in a row. We couldn't stay away from the bar and we were joined by Mr. P from Germany driving a 1955 Benz. The Rally Nippon has become an international rally with entrants from Germany, the US, Italy and Taiwan and each year it becomes more exciting and competitive.

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