RallyNippon2011 Day1
- AMAZONとクラシックイベント
- by suna
- 2011/10/25 火 23:32
10月21日(金)「RallyNippon 2011」が東京・九段の靖国神社をスタートしました。4日間1000Km余りを走り24日(月)に京都の上加茂神社にゴールします。スタートの朝は、“幸い”にも曇り空。天気予報では前半2日間は雨予報だっただけに、ちょっと嬉しい朝でした。やはりスタートが雨では、観客も減るでしょうし、だいたい、最初からメゲてしまいます。午前8時過ぎにベテランナビのTさんと靖国神社に行くと、すでに参加車が集まっていて、観客もたくさん、、、。金曜日の平日なので、通勤、通学途中の方々も多いようです。とくに、靖国神社の向かいには、私の仕事仲間(というかクライアントというか、、、)T社関連広告代理店D社や社長以下仕事仲間がたくさんいるFスピードウェイ東京本社があることから、皆んなが「仕事を放りだして」応援に来てくれました。そして、いつもの「RallyNippon」仲間とも1年ぶりの再会です。今年3回目の出場となる「RallyNippon」ですが、随分クラシックカーラリー仲間が増えました。今年の「RallyNippon」は72台の出場です。私と「・122」AMAZONはゼッケン47番。基本は年式順にゼッケンが与えられているので、ゼッケン1番の1925年BUGATTI T35Aから最新の1974年ToyotaCelica 1600GTまでの、だいたい中間ぐらいの位置です。従って、靖国神社の大鳥居前にずらりと整列したのですが、ちょうど写真を撮ると大鳥居が中心となるベストポジションです。スタート前の賑やかな参道には、いかにも九段らしい雰囲気で“芸子さん”まで登場。日本の美しさ、世界遺産を巡る「RallyNippon」の雰囲気を醸し出していました。開会セレモニーの後、午前10時半にゼッケン1番から「道中安全」のお祓いを受けてスタート。スタートランプを出てすぐに大勢の観客の目前で、早々に「線踏み」です。30mを12秒。20mを7秒の2連続「線踏み」が大会スポンサーのTAG Heuerの計測機器で1/1000秒まで計測されます。ベテランナビのTさんとの練習を反映した作戦では、とにかく連続「線踏み」の最初を“きっちと”まとめると続く計測も“きちっと”まとまる、、、と決めていたのですが、スタートランプを右にぐるっと回ってすぐに線踏み開始、、、という“嫌らしい”設定で、早々に“ちょっと”思惑外れの結果となってしました。気を取り直して、都内の皇居前、銀座を経て首都高で一路横浜へ。山下公園前のマリンタワーでランチの後、元町などのスタンプポイントで大勢の観客に迎えられながら、東名高速の富士ICまで一気に走り、「富士山本宮浅間大社」へ。「ミス富士山」の歓迎と「富士宮やきそば」などの出店とともに、大観衆の待ち受ける前で初日2回目の「線踏み」。20mを8秒,20mを7秒、20mを6秒の3連続「線踏み」です。すべて20m間隔なので、一見ラクそうに思えるのですが、ところがどっこい、、、現場の駐車場には変則「の」の字の計測コースが設定されていました。つまり、右回りのカーブの途中に計測ラインがあるので、ナビ側とドライバー側からラインをタイヤが踏むタイミングが取りにくく、さらには、内輪差があることから、左右タイヤのどちらが早く計測されるかを見極めなければなりません。あげくに夕闇は迫るし、雨は降りだすし、、、。ということで、3連続「線踏み」の中のひとつは満足行ったものの「ちょっと?」不安の残る結果となってしましいました。その後は、朝霧高原から本栖湖、精進湖、西湖、河口湖、山中湖の富士五湖を巡って箱根・仙石原のハイアットリージェンシー箱根ホテルまで走ったのですが、すでに真っ暗闇で土砂降りの雨。たくさんの参加車が、電気系やエンジントラブルで雨の中で修理をしていました。「・122」AMAZONは、完璧に修理したハズのワイパーのセットアップが微妙に悪く音が出て気になるのですが、400Km弱を走っただけで、もう疲れて、午後8時前に初日をゴールしたものの、修理は翌朝にすることとして、ディナーの後は温泉に入り、あっという間に爆睡してしまいました。
On 21st oct the Rally Nippon 2011 started off from Yasukuni Shrine in udan Tokyo. We will travel more than 1000km in 4 days and finish our rally at Kyoto Kamigamo Shrine on the 24th. The skies were not clear, but fortunately there was no rain. This was a good beginning as they are forecasting rain for today and tomorrow. Rain at the start will affect the number of people out to see the rally off and makes me feel low. I made to Yasukuni shrine slightly after 8am and was welcomed by a crowd of entrants and bystanders. The Yasukuni shrine if situated right accross the street from Fuji Speedway hq and an agency that I've worked closely with and everyone was out to see the start - somehow getting out during their work hours. I was also glad to see the repeat entrants once again. This is my 3rd consecutive year that I am entering the rally and have managed to expand my acquantainces. There are 72 entrants this year, and my .122 Amazon has been given car no. 47. The car no. are distributed based on the age of the car and car no 1 was a 1925 Bugatti T35A and the last car was a 1974 Toyota Celica 1600GT. Car no. 47 is right around the middle of the crowd and was parked in a very good place to shoot photos. A geisha had come out to see the rally off and was a fitting send off for a rally that will make its way around various world heritages. At 10.30am the cars started off after being "blessed" for safety by the "priest". Right after the start, a consecutive time measure was waiting. The rally was being sponsored by Tag Heuer who had provided the timing device for the time controls. I had practiced for this with my co-driver Mr. T., but the first time control was something I had not practiced for - it required your time being measured right after a sharp right turn. We started off after this unexpected time control, we went around the Imperial palace, thru Ginza and onto the Shuto Expressway to Yokohama. We had lunch at the Marine Tower and headed into Motomachi, then off to Fuji IC via Tomei Expressway. There we stopped by the Fuji Yamamotomiya Asama Shrine. We were welcomed by Miss Fujisan and some yakisoba and a large crowd. This is also where the 2nd time control awaited. On paper it looked rather easy, but it was actually set around a circular course. This means that the point that the co-driver sees from his side and the point that the driver sees from my side are different, making it very difficult indeed, even without dusk settling in and rain coming down. We ended the time measurement with some concern, and headed on thru Asagiri Heights, Motosu, Shojin, Nishi, Kawaguchi and Yamanaka Lakes. We reached our destination Hyatt Regency at Hakone Sengokubara. In the dark and rainy parking lot, there were several cars being worked on for electrical problems. As for my .122 Amazon, the wipers that I had just fixed was not working as it should. But after 400km of driving, I decided to leave it for the morning and went off to dinner and a dip into the hot springs - after which I fell asleep like a rag.

On 21st oct the Rally Nippon 2011 started off from Yasukuni Shrine in udan Tokyo. We will travel more than 1000km in 4 days and finish our rally at Kyoto Kamigamo Shrine on the 24th. The skies were not clear, but fortunately there was no rain. This was a good beginning as they are forecasting rain for today and tomorrow. Rain at the start will affect the number of people out to see the rally off and makes me feel low. I made to Yasukuni shrine slightly after 8am and was welcomed by a crowd of entrants and bystanders. The Yasukuni shrine if situated right accross the street from Fuji Speedway hq and an agency that I've worked closely with and everyone was out to see the start - somehow getting out during their work hours. I was also glad to see the repeat entrants once again. This is my 3rd consecutive year that I am entering the rally and have managed to expand my acquantainces. There are 72 entrants this year, and my .122 Amazon has been given car no. 47. The car no. are distributed based on the age of the car and car no 1 was a 1925 Bugatti T35A and the last car was a 1974 Toyota Celica 1600GT. Car no. 47 is right around the middle of the crowd and was parked in a very good place to shoot photos. A geisha had come out to see the rally off and was a fitting send off for a rally that will make its way around various world heritages. At 10.30am the cars started off after being "blessed" for safety by the "priest". Right after the start, a consecutive time measure was waiting. The rally was being sponsored by Tag Heuer who had provided the timing device for the time controls. I had practiced for this with my co-driver Mr. T., but the first time control was something I had not practiced for - it required your time being measured right after a sharp right turn. We started off after this unexpected time control, we went around the Imperial palace, thru Ginza and onto the Shuto Expressway to Yokohama. We had lunch at the Marine Tower and headed into Motomachi, then off to Fuji IC via Tomei Expressway. There we stopped by the Fuji Yamamotomiya Asama Shrine. We were welcomed by Miss Fujisan and some yakisoba and a large crowd. This is also where the 2nd time control awaited. On paper it looked rather easy, but it was actually set around a circular course. This means that the point that the co-driver sees from his side and the point that the driver sees from my side are different, making it very difficult indeed, even without dusk settling in and rain coming down. We ended the time measurement with some concern, and headed on thru Asagiri Heights, Motosu, Shojin, Nishi, Kawaguchi and Yamanaka Lakes. We reached our destination Hyatt Regency at Hakone Sengokubara. In the dark and rainy parking lot, there were several cars being worked on for electrical problems. As for my .122 Amazon, the wipers that I had just fixed was not working as it should. But after 400km of driving, I decided to leave it for the morning and went off to dinner and a dip into the hot springs - after which I fell asleep like a rag.

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