- AMAZONとクラシックイベント
- by suna
- 2011/10/20 木 22:50
明日10月21日(金)から「RallyNippon」です。今夜はスポンサーのひとつTAG Heure主催の壮行会が銀座のお店「エスパス タグ・ホイヤー」でありました。明日のスタートが早いこともあり、どうしようか、、、と思っていたのですが、結局仕事の段取りが悪く夕方まで銀座にいたので出席しました。というのも、私の宝物でもあるスティーブ・マックイーンと同じ映画「栄光ノルマン」当時の”超”初期ロットの「MONACO」を持っているのですが日付が合わなくて、その原因をお店で教えてもらおうということもあったのですが、、、。「エスパス タグ・ホイヤー」には、今年の「RallyNippon」の参加者が50名近く集まり、お洒落でハイソな雰囲気でシャンパンパーティが行われていました。司会はクリス・ペプラーさん、ゲストはアンドレ・ロッテラー選手でした。ま、明日も早いので早々に失礼しましたが、いよいよ「RallyNippon」だな、、、と実感しました。で、「・122」AMAZONですが、昨日、今日と工場で徹底点検。今週末は雨模様と決まったので、窓枠のシーリング、そして、悩みの曇り止めもたくさん購入してきました。そして、なにより、今年の「RallyNippon」に向けて、昔懐かしいHaldaのSpeedPilotとSingleMasterのセットを装着しました。この60年代のワークスラリーカーには必ず装着されていたラリー計器は、すでにスウェーデンのHalda社が消滅したこともあり、ほとんど今では見られなくなっています。イギリスのオークションで見つけた私のHaldaは1966年製。ちょうどAMAZONが欧州ラリーチャンピオンを連続制覇した時代のものです。ま、1/100秒、1/1000秒を競う日本の「線踏み」では、あまり関係ないのですが、”雰囲気”はバッチリです。ただ、購入、装着に至るまでには、イロイロと問題もありました。この経緯は、「RallyNippon」が終わってからご報告します。ということで、明日10月21日(金)午前10時30分に「RallyNippon」は、東京・靖国神社をスタートします。「・122」AMAZONはゼッケン47番です。今年のコ・ドライバーは、元CG/NAVI編集長で本場イタリアの”ミレミリア”や、数多くの海外、国内クラシックカーラリーに出場してきたTさんです。実は密かに「線踏み」の練習もしてきたのですが、、、果たして、、、。とにかく、明日から24日(月)の京都・上賀茂神社のゴールまで4日間1200Km余りの「RallyNippon」の戦いが始まります。可能な限り、このブログかTwitter(SunaDune) で状況をお知らせできればと思っています。余裕があれば、、、の話ですが、、。なお、「RallyNippon」の各地の通過時刻は、http://www.rallynippon.org/jp/schedule/index.html
The Rally Nippon makes its start on the 21st of Oct. Tonight is the night before and Tag Heuer has kindly organized a send off party at their Ginza store. I couldn't quite make up my mind whether to go as the following morning was an early start, but ended up attending. I own an vintage Tag Heuer Monaco watch which I couldn't quite figure out how to set the date, so I decided to go into the Ginza store and ask while I was at it. About 50 Rally Nippon entrants gathered at the Tag Heuer Ginza store for some champagne and talk show by Audi driver A. Lotterer. As for my .122, it came back from the garage yesterday after some minor checks. Since it is forecasted to be a rainy weekend, I sealed up the back windows and bought plenty of anti-fog for the windows. The biggest point this year is the speed pilot and single master from Halda I had installed. These were items that were a must for rally racing in the 60s. The swedish company Halda no longer exists and you hardly see these things anymore. I a 1966 Halda on ebay but it went thru various issues which I will probably write on another day. In any case, my .122 now has one installed and we will start out from Yasukuni shrine tomorrow. This year, I will have a car #47 and my co-driver will be Mr. T who has experience in the Italian Mille Miglia and various Japanese classic car races - along with being the former editor for CG/Navi magazine. We practiced the time measurement sequences together, but it all remains to be seen how we can get. The official website is http://www.rallynippon.org/jp/schedule/index.html so please go to their site for details.

The Rally Nippon makes its start on the 21st of Oct. Tonight is the night before and Tag Heuer has kindly organized a send off party at their Ginza store. I couldn't quite make up my mind whether to go as the following morning was an early start, but ended up attending. I own an vintage Tag Heuer Monaco watch which I couldn't quite figure out how to set the date, so I decided to go into the Ginza store and ask while I was at it. About 50 Rally Nippon entrants gathered at the Tag Heuer Ginza store for some champagne and talk show by Audi driver A. Lotterer. As for my .122, it came back from the garage yesterday after some minor checks. Since it is forecasted to be a rainy weekend, I sealed up the back windows and bought plenty of anti-fog for the windows. The biggest point this year is the speed pilot and single master from Halda I had installed. These were items that were a must for rally racing in the 60s. The swedish company Halda no longer exists and you hardly see these things anymore. I a 1966 Halda on ebay but it went thru various issues which I will probably write on another day. In any case, my .122 now has one installed and we will start out from Yasukuni shrine tomorrow. This year, I will have a car #47 and my co-driver will be Mr. T who has experience in the Italian Mille Miglia and various Japanese classic car races - along with being the former editor for CG/Navi magazine. We practiced the time measurement sequences together, but it all remains to be seen how we can get. The official website is http://www.rallynippon.org/jp/schedule/index.html so please go to their site for details.

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