- AMAZONと仲間達
- by suna
- 2011/05/31 火 22:19
Giro di Karuizawaゴールの翌日、5月30日(月)に「・122」AMAZONと私は、軽井沢から上越自動車道、上信越道を経て、信州中野ICから志賀高原の「熊の湯」へと向かいました。Giro di Karuizawaでも、ごくごく近くを疾走したのですが、今回の目的は別です。「熊の湯ホテル」のS社長が、1969年からワンオーナーでAMAZON123GTを乗り続けていらっしゃることを知り、昨年末にAMAZONを入手された石川県・和倉温泉のT社長と合流してAMAZON談義を温泉につかりながらしよう、、、という趣向。軽井沢から約2時間、石川県・和倉温泉からは約5時間、、、生憎の土砂降りの中、「熊の湯ホテル」に2台のAMAZONが集結しました。”緑色!!”の素晴らしい硫黄温泉を堪能して、さっそくAMAZON談義です。「熊の湯ホテル」のS社長のAMAZON123GTは1969年式。和倉温泉のT社長のAMAZON122も1969年式。S社長は、123GTのほかに1968年式SAAB、1967年式ジャガーX100レプリカ、シトロエンDSなどをお持ちでした。かつて60年代に、日本の雪上ラリーの頂点だった「志賀高原ラリー」のオーガナイズもしていたという”走り屋”だけに、当時は未舗装の志賀高原ルートを123GTで走り回った逸話には、あまりのハードな走りでダメになったAMAZONのミッションも持ち出されて白熱。私と、ちょうどひとまわり先輩のS社長の元気さに感服するとともに、AMAZONの質実剛健なタフさを再確認しました。S社長はVWエンジン搭載の”スパイクタイヤ付き”バギーもお持ちで、冬季にはご自分の経営する広大なゲレンデをこのバギーで走り回っていられるとか、、、。”熱い”AMAZON談義は、とても楽しく、時のたつのも忘れるほどでしたが、昼前にはお開き、、、。2台のAMAZONは、再開を約束して帰途につきました。こうして、新たなAMAZON仲間に出会えるのも「・122」AMAZONのおかげです。そういえば、和倉温泉T社長のAMAZONのナンバーも「・122」でした。
The day after I crossed the finish line of the Giro di Karuizawa, I drove off onto the Jyoetsu HW, went on to Jyoshinetsu HW and made my way to Kumanoyu in Shiga Highlands (where they had the Winter Olympics). I was meeting up with the owner of Kumanoyu Hotel, Mr. S who is the single owner of a 1969 Amazon 123GT. While I was talking to Mr. T, owner of a old ryokan in Wakura Onsen - Ishikawa pref who had bought an Amazon himself last year end, we decided we would all meet up at the Kumanoyu Hotel. Kumanoyu is about a 2hr drive from Karuizawa, but its a 5hr drive from Wakura. We soaked ourselves in the green colored hot spring and talked about our Amazons. Mr. S' Amazon is a 1969 123GT while Mr. T's is a 1969 122. Mr. S not only owned an Amazon, but also had a 1968 SAAB, 1967 Jaguar X100 replica, Citroen DS among others. He also owned a stud tired VW engine buggy which he uses to run around the ski slopes. Mr. S also had been one of the organizers of the Shiga Highland Rally in the 60s, one of the top snow rallies of the time. We all agreed that the Amazon is one of the most solid cars. By noon the next day, we all headed back.
The day after I crossed the finish line of the Giro di Karuizawa, I drove off onto the Jyoetsu HW, went on to Jyoshinetsu HW and made my way to Kumanoyu in Shiga Highlands (where they had the Winter Olympics). I was meeting up with the owner of Kumanoyu Hotel, Mr. S who is the single owner of a 1969 Amazon 123GT. While I was talking to Mr. T, owner of a old ryokan in Wakura Onsen - Ishikawa pref who had bought an Amazon himself last year end, we decided we would all meet up at the Kumanoyu Hotel. Kumanoyu is about a 2hr drive from Karuizawa, but its a 5hr drive from Wakura. We soaked ourselves in the green colored hot spring and talked about our Amazons. Mr. S' Amazon is a 1969 123GT while Mr. T's is a 1969 122. Mr. S not only owned an Amazon, but also had a 1968 SAAB, 1967 Jaguar X100 replica, Citroen DS among others. He also owned a stud tired VW engine buggy which he uses to run around the ski slopes. Mr. S also had been one of the organizers of the Shiga Highland Rally in the 60s, one of the top snow rallies of the time. We all agreed that the Amazon is one of the most solid cars. By noon the next day, we all headed back.
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