- AMAZONと仲間達
- by suna
- 2011/02/06 日 11:47
2月5日(土)立春の翌日にTACCミーティングに参加しました。いよいよクラシックカーシーズンの幕開け、、、という感じです。いつもの夢の島駐車場に行くと、何と、戦前車が、トコトコとやって来るではありませんか、、、。1929年式のシボレー・インターナショナル AC ロードスターです。TACCミーティングに初の戦前車の登場です。当然、木製のホイールです、、、。車種、メイクス等分け隔てなく、旧い車好きの集いがTACCなのですが、遂に戦前車が仲間に加わりました。さらに、懐かしい1964年式コルセアもやって来ました。天気に恵まれ、多くの家族連れが集う夢の島駐車場ですが、「変わった車」が並ぶTACCの一群に、何だ、何だ、、、の人だかりです。新たなメンバーも加わり、今年のクラシックカーイベントの日程などの話に花が咲き、女性メンバーが持参してくれた「車チョコ」でちょっとしたバレンタイン気分を味わい、楽しい一日を過ごすことが出来ました。
On 25th I joined the TACC meeting - the first of this year. I went out to Yumenoshima as usual, but was pleasantly surprised to find a car out of history - a 1929 Chevrolet International AC Roadstar. This is the first for TACC to see a car that was produced before WWII. The wheels were made of wood - of course. In addition, a 1964 Corsair also joined the party. With the pleasant weather, a lot of the members brought along there families, and on top, with these rare historic cars, quite a crowd gathered. We munched on some early car shaped valentine chocolates and fully enjoyed the day.
On 25th I joined the TACC meeting - the first of this year. I went out to Yumenoshima as usual, but was pleasantly surprised to find a car out of history - a 1929 Chevrolet International AC Roadstar. This is the first for TACC to see a car that was produced before WWII. The wheels were made of wood - of course. In addition, a 1964 Corsair also joined the party. With the pleasant weather, a lot of the members brought along there families, and on top, with these rare historic cars, quite a crowd gathered. We munched on some early car shaped valentine chocolates and fully enjoyed the day.
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