AMAZON 壮観12台 富士五湖紅葉ツーリング
- AMAZONと仲間達
- by suna
- 2010/11/15 月 12:59
11月13日(土)、14日(日)の2日間、「AMAZON 紅葉ツーリング」を行いました。昨年、会津福島へ行った「紅葉ツーリング」のPart2ということで、富士五湖を巡るツーリングです。参加したAMAZONは、PV544も含め全12台。13日(土)午前10時過ぎに、東京はもとより、名古屋、浜松、千葉、そして、群馬の桐生からの遠征組も含め、色とりどりのAMAZONが、東名高速の富士IC近くの「ガスト」に集合。「日本観光100選”滝の部”」第1位の名瀑(めいばく)白糸の滝を経て、富士山の美しい朝霧高原、本栖湖、精進湖、西湖など、紅葉真っ盛りの富士五湖を巡り、河口湖ハイランドリゾートへ至る約90Kmのコースでツーリングを楽しみました。快晴とは言えないまでも、天候にも恵まれ、雄大な富士山と美しく燃えるような紅葉のワインディングロードを渋滞を避けて裏道ドライブ。美味しいランチ、洒落たCafeでのコーヒーブレークなどで、談笑を重ねて、夕闇迫る午後5時には、河口湖ハイランドリゾートに到着。「AMAZONツーリングご一行様」の行燈看板に迎えられてチェックイン。隣接する「ふじやま温泉」にゆったりとつかり、宴会場で、恒例の大宴会、、、となりました。今回は、車載デジタルカメラで走行中の動画撮影も行い、宴会場に大写しになったハイビジョン動画映像で大いに盛り上がり、夜の更けるのも忘れて、アマゾン談義に花が咲きました。そして、14日(日)は、ゆっくりと目覚め、AMAZONを連ねて、御坂峠の「峠の茶屋」へ。オーナーのTさんがご自分のAMAZONで、紅葉見物大渋滞のメインルートを避けて裏道から裏道へと案内してくれて「峠の茶屋」に到着。名物「ほうとう」をいただき、別れを惜しみながらも、高速道路の帰路渋滞を避けて午後1時過ぎには、解散。東京組は午後3時過ぎ、遠征組みも午後6時頃には、全車、無事に帰還しました。数十年ぶりに多くの台数のAMAZONを連ねてのツーリングとなりましたが、やはり10台以上のAMAZONの隊列走行は、壮観そのもの。行き交う車からも、沿道の人々からも、「何だ、何だ、、、」と注目の視線を浴びました。「・122」AMAZONは、先週のRally Nipponに続き、2週連続の長距離ドライブでしたが、快調そのもの。とはいえ、オイル交換などをして、再来週27日(土)に行われる「神宮外苑クラシックカーフェスタ」参加に備えます。
This year's Autumn Amazon touring was held on 13rh and 14th of November. Last year, we drove out to Aizu Fukushima but this year, we went out to the Fuji 5 lakes. There were 12 cars including 1 PV544. At 10am on 13th, we all gathered from our various homes, Tokyo, Nagoya, Hamamatsu, Chiba and of course, Kiryu Gunma - at a family restaurant close by to Fuji IC of Tomei highway. After enjoying the Shiraito Falls, we made our way towards Fuji mountain thru Asagiri heights, Motosu, Shojin, Sai Lakes. We finally arrived after 90km at Kawaguchi lake Highland Resort at 5pm. It was not quite bright skies, but we were able to enjoy a beautiful Mount Fuji, flaming autumn foliage and winding roads that go on forever and out of the way of congestion. We took our time in the hot baths next door and then onto dinner. I had put a video camera on my Amazon and the hotel had prepared a high vision screen so we all enjoyed the scenary of the day once again. On the following day, we took our time to wake up and went to Toge no Chaya for lunch. The owner Mr. T was also an Amazon owner and showed us the way around the traffic jams and up to our lunch spot. We enjoyed the regional treat Hoto and quickly made our way back to the highway to avoid the traffic heading back o Tokyo. We reached Tokyo about 3pm and the other participant from further away got safely home at about 6pm. This was the second event of the season but my .122 was in good shape. I will change the oil and will participate in the Jingu Classic Car Festa on the 27th.
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This year's Autumn Amazon touring was held on 13rh and 14th of November. Last year, we drove out to Aizu Fukushima but this year, we went out to the Fuji 5 lakes. There were 12 cars including 1 PV544. At 10am on 13th, we all gathered from our various homes, Tokyo, Nagoya, Hamamatsu, Chiba and of course, Kiryu Gunma - at a family restaurant close by to Fuji IC of Tomei highway. After enjoying the Shiraito Falls, we made our way towards Fuji mountain thru Asagiri heights, Motosu, Shojin, Sai Lakes. We finally arrived after 90km at Kawaguchi lake Highland Resort at 5pm. It was not quite bright skies, but we were able to enjoy a beautiful Mount Fuji, flaming autumn foliage and winding roads that go on forever and out of the way of congestion. We took our time in the hot baths next door and then onto dinner. I had put a video camera on my Amazon and the hotel had prepared a high vision screen so we all enjoyed the scenary of the day once again. On the following day, we took our time to wake up and went to Toge no Chaya for lunch. The owner Mr. T was also an Amazon owner and showed us the way around the traffic jams and up to our lunch spot. We enjoyed the regional treat Hoto and quickly made our way back to the highway to avoid the traffic heading back o Tokyo. We reached Tokyo about 3pm and the other participant from further away got safely home at about 6pm. This was the second event of the season but my .122 was in good shape. I will change the oil and will participate in the Jingu Classic Car Festa on the 27th.
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