Rally Nippon Day4最終日ゴール
- AMAZONとクラシックイベント
- by suna
- 2010/11/09 火 02:48
11月8日(月)、「Rally Nippon」最終日となりました。昨日の不幸な事故で、競技そのものは終了したのですが、4日間全行程約1300Kmの最後の行程約180Kmは、コース図を辿り、最終ゴールの京都へと向かうこととなりました。琵琶湖エクシブでは、午前8時にスタートを前に参加者全員がチャペルに集まり、亡くなったTさんへ黙祷を捧げました。その後、午前8時半過ぎから、時間通りに次々とスタート。Tさんの思いも運んで、彦根城でのスタンプポイントを経て、京奈和自動車道で奈良へと向かい、薬師寺でランチ、その後も京奈和自動車道と第二京阪で京都へと向かいました。京都では東寺でレストコントロール、二条城、平安神宮、京都御苑などを巡り、午後4時前には、上賀茂神社に最終ゴールをしました。今日のDay4は、線踏みなどの競技が一切キャンセルされたことで、いわば、最終ゴールへの移動となったのですが、各神社では、参加者に主催者から配られた「Rally Nippon特製朱印書」に朱印をいただくなど、充実した行程を過ごす事ができました。ゴールの上賀茂神社では参加者全員と、1300Km余りを走り抜いたクラシックカー全車が、「交通安全」のお祓いを受けて、ファイナルパーティの行われる京都ハイアットリージェンシーで4日間の「Rally Nippon」はフニッシュを果たしました。午後7時半から、Tさんへの黙祷で始まった「dunhillファイナルパーティ」は、雅楽師 東儀秀樹さんが「I am whith you」を演奏、さらに、主催者からは、Tさんのゼッケン番号だった9番が、永久欠番として、今後の「Rally Nippon」が続けられることが発表されました。続く成績発表では、優勝は、1959年式 BENZ190SRSのOさん、2位には1952年式 MGTDのHさん、そして、何と3位には、亡くなるまで健闘していた1937年式 BENZ170のTさんご夫婦という結果でした。「・122」AMAZONは健闘虚しく出場70台中、32位に終わりました。昨年は、スタート直後のリタイア、、、。そのリベンジで臨んだ今年の「Rally Nippon」で念願の完走は果たしたものの、なかなか思うようには行きませんでした。また、悲しい事故にも直面し、私にとっては、本当に厳しく、苦しい4日間、1300Kmの「Rally Nippon」でした。成績の原因は、いろいろあるのですが、今後、じっくり解析するとして、またまた、来年の「Rally Nippon」へのリベンジ出場の”口実”が出来た事は確かです。ちなみに、1949年式 BENTLYで出場したS大先輩もオープンカーで走り切り、41位で完走を果たしました。そして、運営の素晴らしさ、、、イベントコンセプトの素晴らしさ、さらには、来年1月末から「モンテカルロラリー・クラシック」に往年のカローラ・トレノで出場する東京大学自動車部の大学生チームの参加(62位でしたが、、、)と彼ら自動車部員学生の献身的な競技運営ボランティア活動は、クラシックカーラリーのこれからに期待を抱かせてくれました。明日朝には、500Km余りを「・122」AMAZONと共に帰京します。今週末の「AMAZON紅葉ツーリング」を前に、「・122」AMAZONに問題が起きなかったことに、胸をなでおろしながら、、、、。
The 8th Nov was the last day of Rally Nippon. Due to the unfortunate incident yesterday, there was no competition for the day, but the remaining 180km was to be covered to complete the total 1300km and goal in Kyoto. Before the start at 8am, we gathered in the chapel for a prayer for Mr. T. At 8.30h the rally had started, again. A brief stop at Hikone Castle for a stamp point and on to the highway to get to Yakushi Temple in Nara where lunch was waiting for us. From there, on to Kyoto - Toji, Nijo Castle, Heian Temple, and Kyoto Castle. By 16.00h we had reached our final destination - Kami-gamo Temple. Even though the competitions were canceled, at each temple, there was a special stamp prepared at each temple which we collected during the day. At Kamigamo Temple, all the car and entrants that reached the goal were all given a prayer for safety and then we drove into Hyatt Regency for the final party. From 19.00h, the party sponsored by Dunhill started with Mr. Togi playing his traditional flute. The organizers announced that car#9 will be forever not used again during this rally as it was the car#9 that Mr. T had during his fatal accident. This was followed by announcing the results of the rally. Mr. O with his 1959 Benz 190SRS came in first, followed by Mr. H's 1952 MGTD. 3rd place was Mr. T. He had delivered solid results up to his death with thi 1937 Benz 170. My .122 came in 32nd of 70 cars. Last year I was forced to retire early on, but this year's result wasn't exactly what I would call ideal. I will go back to Tokyo and analyze what went right and what went wrong. Mr. S came in at 41st place with his 1949 Bentley. Overall the event was well managed and I enjoyed all 4 days of it. I will drive back 500km to Tokyo. I am greatly relieved that nothing went amiss for my .122 and I can look forward to the Autum Amazon touring next week.
The 8th Nov was the last day of Rally Nippon. Due to the unfortunate incident yesterday, there was no competition for the day, but the remaining 180km was to be covered to complete the total 1300km and goal in Kyoto. Before the start at 8am, we gathered in the chapel for a prayer for Mr. T. At 8.30h the rally had started, again. A brief stop at Hikone Castle for a stamp point and on to the highway to get to Yakushi Temple in Nara where lunch was waiting for us. From there, on to Kyoto - Toji, Nijo Castle, Heian Temple, and Kyoto Castle. By 16.00h we had reached our final destination - Kami-gamo Temple. Even though the competitions were canceled, at each temple, there was a special stamp prepared at each temple which we collected during the day. At Kamigamo Temple, all the car and entrants that reached the goal were all given a prayer for safety and then we drove into Hyatt Regency for the final party. From 19.00h, the party sponsored by Dunhill started with Mr. Togi playing his traditional flute. The organizers announced that car#9 will be forever not used again during this rally as it was the car#9 that Mr. T had during his fatal accident. This was followed by announcing the results of the rally. Mr. O with his 1959 Benz 190SRS came in first, followed by Mr. H's 1952 MGTD. 3rd place was Mr. T. He had delivered solid results up to his death with thi 1937 Benz 170. My .122 came in 32nd of 70 cars. Last year I was forced to retire early on, but this year's result wasn't exactly what I would call ideal. I will go back to Tokyo and analyze what went right and what went wrong. Mr. S came in at 41st place with his 1949 Bentley. Overall the event was well managed and I enjoyed all 4 days of it. I will drive back 500km to Tokyo. I am greatly relieved that nothing went amiss for my .122 and I can look forward to the Autum Amazon touring next week.
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