Rally Nippon Day2
- AMAZONとクラシックイベント
- by suna
- 2010/11/06 土 22:32
「Rally Nippon」2日目は、エクシブ山中湖の窓に映る美しい富士山の朝焼けと共に、午前5時の目覚ましで開始。午前7時のスタートを前に駐車場に行くと、「・122」AMAZONをはじめ、参加車は、真っ白に霜に包まれていました。エンジンをかける前の水温計は、何と1℃!! ということは、確実に外気温は零下です。じっくりエンジンの暖気をして、朝もやの山中湖から河口湖、御坂峠を通って、一路、中央道を経て、塩尻ICから奈良井宿へ。この旧い街並みの中に、今日最初のPCが設定されていました。昨日の失敗は、何としても克服したい我々は、例によって、高速道路は、「・122」AMAZONに“愛の”鞭を入れて、可能な限り飛ばしてトップグループに躍り出て、その最中も綿密な打ち合わせと、コンセントレーションで奈良井宿に到着しました。ところが、奈良井宿には、たくさんの観客の方が待ち受けていて、せっかくのコンセントレーションも、一気にハイテンション、、、。案の定、40mを15秒、30mを6秒、20mを7秒という連続「線踏み」で、またまた、???なかなか上手く行きません。その後は、約3Kmのアベレージ走行チェック区間。道路脇に設定されたシークレットチェック区間を指示速度50Km/Hで走行した正確さを秒計時で計測されます。これは、コ・ドライバーの0さんとのコンビで得意中の得意科目。「おそらく、、、」良い結果が残せていると思われます。その後は、めっぽう、クラシックカーにはきついアベレージスピードを克服して、ひたすらトップグループのポジションを守りながら、飛騨高山へ。名高い「日曜朝市」の目抜き通りに駐車して、ランチタイムとなるのですが、これまた、もの凄い観客が待ち受けていました。もう、係員の先導がなければ、まったく進めないほどの大歓迎です。美味しいし昼食をいただき、「・122」AMAZONに戻ると、たくさんのAMAZONファンの方から、いろいろな質問をいただきました。こんなにAMAZONのファンがいるのだと再認識させられたひと時でした。そして、次に向かったのは白川郷。こちらも、「Rally Nippon」ならではの特別の計らいで、合掌造りの家並みを縫うようにコースが設定されており、観光客の方々から、暖かい声援とカメラのフラッシュの放列を受けました。その後、白川郷を後にして、一気に、東海北陸道、能越道を、またまた、突っ走り、金沢、和倉温泉へとひた走り、途中、横田の能登中島祭り会館で、今日最後のPC(線踏み)へアタック。20m7秒、25m7秒、30m7秒の連続「線踏み」を、今度は、そこそこ、満足行く走りで克服できました。そして、今日のゴールは、能登演劇堂。もう、日はとっぷりと暮れていましたが、祭り太鼓に迎えられ、大歓迎の地元の方々と「東儀秀樹コンサート」を楽しみました。雅楽師の東儀秀樹さんは、「Rally Nippon」の実行委員の一人であり、昨年も今年も自らハンドルを握り、ラリーに参加しています。大きなホール満場の観衆は、東儀秀樹さんの、時代を越えて心に響く演奏と、背景に並べられたクラシックカーに酔いしれたひと時でした。そんなこんなで、長い一日は終わりましたが、今日の走行距離は、467Km。さすがに疲れました。今夜は和倉温泉で、ゆっくり温泉につかり、後半戦、明日の約360Kmと最終日の約200Kmを走り切りたいと思っています。
The 2nd day of Rally Nippon started for me at 5am with a beautiful view of sunrise over Fuji Mountain. We went out to the parking lot before 7am and all the cars were enveloped in mist. I looked at the water temperature before turning on the engine and found that it was 1C. That means that the outside temperature was below zero. I kept the engine running to warm up and went down thru Yamanaka Lake, Kawaguchi Lake and on to Chuo Freeway thru Shiojiri and Narai. The first PC was set in this old town. In order to make up for some of the mistakes we made yesterday, we hurried on towards the check point. However, when I saw the great big crowd gathered round, my concentration went somewhere. 40m in 15se, 30m in 6sec, 20m in 7sec. After that, a check point to check that our average speed was 3km/hr. A secret checkpoint was set to check that we were driving at 50km/h. This is something that me and my co-driver were really strong in. After this, we had to keep pushing at a very high average speed for a classic car. We got to the famous street where the Sunday market stands every week for lunch. Here again, there was a huge crowd and when I got back to my car, I saw a crowd of Amazon fans. This made my day. From there, on to Shirakawa. Driving thru the old thatched house village was a special treat and then on thru Tokai Hokuriku Road and into Wakura Onsen. Another PC. 20m 7 sec, 25m 7se, 30m 7sec. We felt a lot better about this PC. Our goal today was a Noto classic theater. The sun had already gone down, but we were welcomed with traditional drums and we were also treated by a performance by Mr. Togi. Mr. Togi is an ancient flute player and is also one of the steering committee members of this rally. He is also driving his own car. This day, we had driven over 467km and we are all exhausted. Thankfully, our stay will be at an onsen and we all plan to relax in the hot baths. Tomorrow is 360km and the last day is 200km.
![CIMG2614.jpg CIMG2614.jpg](http://www.dunejp.com/amazon/img/thm669_CIMG2614.jpg)
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![CIMG2659.jpg CIMG2659.jpg](http://www.dunejp.com/amazon/img/thm676_CIMG2659.jpg)
The 2nd day of Rally Nippon started for me at 5am with a beautiful view of sunrise over Fuji Mountain. We went out to the parking lot before 7am and all the cars were enveloped in mist. I looked at the water temperature before turning on the engine and found that it was 1C. That means that the outside temperature was below zero. I kept the engine running to warm up and went down thru Yamanaka Lake, Kawaguchi Lake and on to Chuo Freeway thru Shiojiri and Narai. The first PC was set in this old town. In order to make up for some of the mistakes we made yesterday, we hurried on towards the check point. However, when I saw the great big crowd gathered round, my concentration went somewhere. 40m in 15se, 30m in 6sec, 20m in 7sec. After that, a check point to check that our average speed was 3km/hr. A secret checkpoint was set to check that we were driving at 50km/h. This is something that me and my co-driver were really strong in. After this, we had to keep pushing at a very high average speed for a classic car. We got to the famous street where the Sunday market stands every week for lunch. Here again, there was a huge crowd and when I got back to my car, I saw a crowd of Amazon fans. This made my day. From there, on to Shirakawa. Driving thru the old thatched house village was a special treat and then on thru Tokai Hokuriku Road and into Wakura Onsen. Another PC. 20m 7 sec, 25m 7se, 30m 7sec. We felt a lot better about this PC. Our goal today was a Noto classic theater. The sun had already gone down, but we were welcomed with traditional drums and we were also treated by a performance by Mr. Togi. Mr. Togi is an ancient flute player and is also one of the steering committee members of this rally. He is also driving his own car. This day, we had driven over 467km and we are all exhausted. Thankfully, our stay will be at an onsen and we all plan to relax in the hot baths. Tomorrow is 360km and the last day is 200km.
![CIMG2614.jpg CIMG2614.jpg](http://www.dunejp.com/amazon/img/thm669_CIMG2614.jpg)
![CIMG2617.jpg CIMG2617.jpg](http://www.dunejp.com/amazon/img/thm670_CIMG2617.jpg)
![CIMG2621.jpg CIMG2621.jpg](http://www.dunejp.com/amazon/img/thm671_CIMG2621.jpg)
![CIMG2622.jpg CIMG2622.jpg](http://www.dunejp.com/amazon/img/thm672_CIMG2622.jpg)
![CIMG2632.jpg CIMG2632.jpg](http://www.dunejp.com/amazon/img/thm673_CIMG2632.jpg)
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![CIMG2659.jpg CIMG2659.jpg](http://www.dunejp.com/amazon/img/thm676_CIMG2659.jpg)
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