- AMAZONと仲間達
- by suna
- 2010/10/23 土 11:58
本日、封書が届きました。開封すると、分厚く、立派で重厚な「dunhill」の総合カタログと共に、「GENTLEMEN,START YOUR ENGINES」と書かれた、dunhill全製品40%オフのクーポンパス(ドライバーとコ・ドライバー共に使用可)と、Rally Nipponのステッカーが同封されていました。そうなのです、今年Rally Nipponは、dunhillが特別協賛なのです。昨年も、ドライバー、コ・ドライバーのクレデンシャル(首からぶら下げるパス)の紐がdunhill製で、パスとの取り付けシルバー金具に、さりげなくdunhillの刻印がされていて感動しました。そして、今年のRally Nipponのステッカーも、ぐっとシックな英国調デザインになりました。これなら、地味な「・122」AMAZONに貼っても「粋」です。ということで、いよいよ「GENTLEMEN,START YOUR ENGINES」が近づいて来ました。今日は、これから工場へ行き、仕上がった「・122」AMAZONを引き取ってこようと思います。秋晴れの気持ち良い土曜日です。ちょっと「・122」AMAZONと足慣らしです。
I received a envelope today and when I opened it, out came a rather thick Dunhill catalog and a 40% off coupon with the letters "Gentlemen Start your Engines" on it. Also, a Rally Nippon sticker came with it. Rally Nippon is officially sponsored by Dunhill. Every year, the leather pass holders for the credentials are made by dunhill. This year's sticker has been designed to be much less flashy compared to last year and it will look much better on my Amazon. I will go pick up my .122 today and as it is a fantastic autumn day today, I will bring it for a short drive.
I received a envelope today and when I opened it, out came a rather thick Dunhill catalog and a 40% off coupon with the letters "Gentlemen Start your Engines" on it. Also, a Rally Nippon sticker came with it. Rally Nippon is officially sponsored by Dunhill. Every year, the leather pass holders for the credentials are made by dunhill. This year's sticker has been designed to be much less flashy compared to last year and it will look much better on my Amazon. I will go pick up my .122 today and as it is a fantastic autumn day today, I will bring it for a short drive.
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