「Giro di Karuizawa」奮闘記 Day1
- AMAZONとクラシックイベント
- by suna
- 2010/06/01 火 11:41
昨年初参戦し、ハイアベレージにシビれて、また、今年も「Giro di Karuizawa」にチャレンジしました。今年9回目の開催となる「Giro・・」は、5月29日(土)にDay1、30日(日)にDay2を戦う2Dayイベントです。Day1は、起点となる軽井沢浅間プリンスホテルをスタートし、一気に南下、南牧村、そして佐久市へとループして、御代田の私有地林道で「Special Test」(つまり、早い者勝ちのスペシャルステージ)をこなして、地蔵峠から湯の丸へと、長くきついヒルクライムを駆け上り、長野原から浅間プリンスへ戻る219Km。Day2は、浅間プリンスから旧軽井沢銀座、白糸の滝、北軽井沢と北上し、二度上峠の「猛烈にきつい」ヘアピンの連続をこなして、旧碓氷峠を上って下って浅間プリンスに戻る109Km。合計328Km余りの設定でした。ドライバーズミーティングで「コースの標高差は、1490M、、かつての日本アルペンラリーを彷彿、、、」と説明がありましたが、なかなかの設定で「日本アルペン」経験者のコ・ドライバーS大先輩ともどもヤル気満々です。出場車は73台。そのほとんどが1970年までの名だたる「スポーツカー」であり、2ドアばかり。4ドアといえば、ルノー8ゴルディーニとかシムカ・ラリーとか、バリバリのラリーカー、、、。ま、AMAZONも1983年、1984年の欧州ラリーチャンピオンカーなのですから、ビビることもないのですが、やはり、「速そうな、、」クルマばかりで、ちょっと萎縮気味でした。何と言っても、AMAZONの前は、68年モーガン4/4ですし、すぐ後ろは、56年ロータス・イレブンSr1”Le・Mans”、、、そうです、バリバリのル・マン仕様のレーシングカーです。駐車場で並ぶと、ペッタンコのスポーツカーの中で、AMAZONが「重戦車」のように目立ちます。ま。この「場違い」感が、面白くてエントリーしているのですが、、、。ということで、ゼッケン44のAMAZONは、午前9時22分30秒(30秒間隔)にDay1をスタート。スタートからすぐに、13秒85、と9秒47が基準タイムの、苦手な「線踏み」。ところが、ここは、誤差0秒71と0秒53、、、と、秒はバッチリ(ま100分の1秒なんて、運、、、ですから)で意気揚々と恒例のハイアベレージラリーにアタックしました。Day1、Day2の合計11ヶ所のCPは、今年からWRC(世界ラリー選手権)等と同じFIA方式の看板表示となり、雰囲気は本格的、、、。その上、「Special Test」も完全クローズドされた私有地林道で、「SS用コースマップ」には、各コーナーの詳細情報が記されており、まるでペースノートのように、「全開」で走れます。その上、各コーナーには、無線を持ったコースマーシャルがいるという完璧な設定。コースも、ほぼフラットなので、気持ちよくタイムアタックが出来ました。ただ、計時区間(100分の1秒電光管計時)が、「たった」1.3Kmなのが、ちょっと、物足りませんでした。私の苦手な「線踏み」同様に、この短さでは、それこそ、ちょっとコーナーでアクセルを躊躇しただけで、順位に「大きな」差がでてしまい、本来の、クルマとテクニックの限界に挑む、、、というのとは、かけ離れているような気がします。もう少し、走らせてくれたら、きっと面白いと思いました。ま、そんなこんなで、濃霧に悩ませられながら、随分頑張ったわりには、AMAZONも壊れず、Day1は49位でフィニッシュしました。残念ながら「Special Test」の順位表は、今日現在発表されていません。Day1終了後のウェルカムパーティでは、「Special Test」上位数台は、表彰されましたが、さすが「重戦車」AMAZONは、上位にはカスリもしなかったようです(笑)、、。
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I entered into the ”Giro di Karuizawa ”for the first time last year and got hooked on the fast average time for the rally and decided to enter again this year. So from May 29th (sat) I found myself at the starting line of the rally at Karuizawa Asama Prince Hotel. From there, the rally made its way down south to Saku City and then to Special Test stage at Miyota. From there to Jizo-toge to Yunomaru racing up the long and steep hillcliming and back down to Asama Prince Hotel over 219km. Day 2 started off from Asama Prince Hotel again out to Kyu Karuizawa, Shiraito no Taki, Kita Karuizawa and Nidoagetoge back down to Asama Price Hotel covering 109km. The rally totaled 328km and at the driver's meeting, we were told that the difference in height was over 1490m and close to the ”Japan Alpen Rally” in the past. Mr. S who is my codriver and experienced the ”Japan Alpen Rally” in the past was all set to go. Total entrants were 73 cars, mainly renowned 2 door sports cars from the 1960s and not very many 4doors. Those that were there were old rally cars from the past. Oh well, the Amazon is also a rally car that made itself known at the European Rally Champion during 1983 and 84, But still, I felt a bit out of place with a '68 Morgan 4/4 in front on me and a '56 Lotus Eleven Sr1 ”Le Mans ”behind me. When we all line up at the parking lot, my Amazon stands out being tall and large within a pack of compact sports cars. But then again, thats what so fun about it. My Amazon was car # 44 and we started off on day 1 at 09.22.30. Right from the start, there was a check point. But I got by with a gap of 0.71 sec and 0.53 sec which was a great improvement over last year. This year, there were 11 check points and the time was shown on a electrical board. The Special Test stage was a closed area with a great map which was very lose to a ”pace note” and allowed for full speed attack. On every corner there was a course martials. I was able to run thru it with a great deal of pleasure, but the course was only 1.3km and a bit short. A milisecond of hesitation could make a world of difference in this distance. The first day was very foggy but by the end of the day, my Amazon came in at 49th position. Unfortunately, only the top times were announced for the special test stage, so I have no way of knowing where I had ended up in this stage.
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![2009 HAJ 236.jpg 2009 HAJ 236.jpg](http://www.dunejp.com/amazon/img/thm588_file.jpg)
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![2009 HAJ 246.jpg 2009 HAJ 246.jpg](http://www.dunejp.com/amazon/img/thm573_file.jpg)
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![IMG_0007.jpg IMG_0007.jpg](http://www.dunejp.com/amazon/img/thm572_IMG_0007.jpg)
I entered into the ”Giro di Karuizawa ”for the first time last year and got hooked on the fast average time for the rally and decided to enter again this year. So from May 29th (sat) I found myself at the starting line of the rally at Karuizawa Asama Prince Hotel. From there, the rally made its way down south to Saku City and then to Special Test stage at Miyota. From there to Jizo-toge to Yunomaru racing up the long and steep hillcliming and back down to Asama Prince Hotel over 219km. Day 2 started off from Asama Prince Hotel again out to Kyu Karuizawa, Shiraito no Taki, Kita Karuizawa and Nidoagetoge back down to Asama Price Hotel covering 109km. The rally totaled 328km and at the driver's meeting, we were told that the difference in height was over 1490m and close to the ”Japan Alpen Rally” in the past. Mr. S who is my codriver and experienced the ”Japan Alpen Rally” in the past was all set to go. Total entrants were 73 cars, mainly renowned 2 door sports cars from the 1960s and not very many 4doors. Those that were there were old rally cars from the past. Oh well, the Amazon is also a rally car that made itself known at the European Rally Champion during 1983 and 84, But still, I felt a bit out of place with a '68 Morgan 4/4 in front on me and a '56 Lotus Eleven Sr1 ”Le Mans ”behind me. When we all line up at the parking lot, my Amazon stands out being tall and large within a pack of compact sports cars. But then again, thats what so fun about it. My Amazon was car # 44 and we started off on day 1 at 09.22.30. Right from the start, there was a check point. But I got by with a gap of 0.71 sec and 0.53 sec which was a great improvement over last year. This year, there were 11 check points and the time was shown on a electrical board. The Special Test stage was a closed area with a great map which was very lose to a ”pace note” and allowed for full speed attack. On every corner there was a course martials. I was able to run thru it with a great deal of pleasure, but the course was only 1.3km and a bit short. A milisecond of hesitation could make a world of difference in this distance. The first day was very foggy but by the end of the day, my Amazon came in at 49th position. Unfortunately, only the top times were announced for the special test stage, so I have no way of knowing where I had ended up in this stage.
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