- AMAZONと仲間達
- by suna
- 2010/04/26 月 18:44
4月24日(土)と25日(日)、「AMAZON 房総ツーリング」を行いました。昨年11月の「AMAZON 紅葉ツーリング」に続く、「AMAZONツーリング」の第2弾です。今回は東京近郊のAMAZONオーナーの方々にお声掛けして、5台のAMAZONと1台のPV544、さらに本来は123GTで参加予定のOさんが、整備未完成でサポートカー役BMWで参加、そして、「・122」AMAZONでクラシックラリーに参戦する時のコ・ドライバーS大先輩がBENZで追い上げ管理車、、、ということで合計8台の参加です。晴天に恵まれた24日(土)午前11時に首都高速の「大井PA(西行き)」に集合した8台は、アクアラインから館山自動車道を経て、君津ICから房総スカイラインへと隊列を整えてツーリング。行き交う車が、AMAZONの隊列に見とれて、ちょっとした渋滞を生むほどの注目度でした。今回は、プロのWカメラマンの協力も得て、先頭を行くOさんのBMWのオープントップを開けて隊列を撮影をしながらのツーリングです。快適な房総山中のワインディングロードドライビングを楽しみ、昼食は鴨川の「鴨川オーシャンパーク」。その後も太平洋の美しい海岸線をノンビリとツーリングし、途中「ちくら潮風公園」の洒落たトラットリアでコーヒーブレイクを挟んで午後4時には、館山の「鳩山荘 松庵」にゴールしました。この「鳩山荘」は、元内閣総理大臣 故鳩山一郎氏別邸跡のホテルです。たった29室の瀟洒で小さなホテルですが、さすが、鳩山別邸というロケーションで、2600坪の広大な敷地は、プライベートビーチの正面に(天気が良ければ、、、)雄大な富士山が望めるそうですが、残念ながら、ちょこっと富士山の頭だけを見ることが出来ました。とはいえ、AMAZONツーリングの一番の目的は「AMAZON談義」です。午後6時半から個室広間を借りて始まった「大宴会」は、プロジェクターを持ち込み、皆さんが参加したクラシックカーラリーの模様や、かつて、1977年から1982年まで続いた「AMAZON OWNERS CLUB」の貴重な活動写真などを見ながらワイワイガヤガヤと盛り上がりました。その後も、夜の更けるのも忘れて“飲み続け”、部屋に戻ってからは、S大先輩を交えたクラシックカー談義で午前様、、、、、。現鳩山内閣が騒然とする最中に「鳩山荘」に集結したAMAZON軍団でしたが、「“時の”記憶に残る」AMAZONツーリングになりました。25日(日)も快晴に恵まれ、午前11時のチェックアウトまで、ノンビリと過ごした皆さんは、三々五々、解散。「・122」AMAZONは、1週間前の「ALCラリー」で館山からの帰路、大渋滞で5時間半もかかった苦い経験から、早々に退散。午後1時過ぎには、帰宅。ガレージに「・122」AMAZONをしまい、S大先輩と「お疲れさん会」という名目で、蕎麦屋に直行。「蕎麦前、、、」で蕎麦焼酎、、、。午後5時には、またまた、「出来上がって、、、」しまいました。とにかく、幸運にも天気に恵まれ、とても楽しく充実した「AMAZON 房総ツーリング」でした。
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On April 24th (Sat) and 25th (Sun) I went out on a "Amazon Boso Touring". This was the 2nd in the series of "Amazon Touring"> This time, Amazon owners around the Tokyo area gathered - 5 Amazons and 1 PV544 and what was supposed to be 1 123GT. Unfortunately, the 123GT was still in the garage and Mr. O had to enter in his BMW. Mr. S who has been my co-driver at various rallies also participated in his Benz. So a total of 8 cars started out from Ooi PA at 10am on Saturday and went down Aqualine to Kimitsu IC and on to Boso Skyline (Chiba). The parade of Amazons created a bit of a traffic jam as people turned their heads to watch us pass. This time, we had invited a professional photographer who was on Mr. O's BMW with his top pulled down. After winding our way through the hills of Boso, we had lunch at Kamogawa Ocean Par. After this, we went down the shoreline and had a coffee break at Chikura. At 4pm we reached Hatoyama-so. This is a hotel renovated from former PM Hatoyama's summer house. This is a small hotel with 29 rooms and boasts 2600 tsubos of space including seashore. It also should provide a good view of Mt. fuji but unfortunately, we only to a glimpse. But the real goal of this touring was to talk about Amazons which we had plently of time and topics. We had brought a projector with us and we passed the evening looking at scenes from various classic rallys that the participant's had entered into. We also had photos from the Amazon Owners Club between 1977 and 1982. The evening past quickly and went on into daybreak. At 11am we checked out of the hotel and quickly made our way back to Tokyo to avoid the heavy trafflc. By 1pm I was home and went out with Mr. S for soba and shochu. By 5pm, I was wasted.
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On April 24th (Sat) and 25th (Sun) I went out on a "Amazon Boso Touring". This was the 2nd in the series of "Amazon Touring"> This time, Amazon owners around the Tokyo area gathered - 5 Amazons and 1 PV544 and what was supposed to be 1 123GT. Unfortunately, the 123GT was still in the garage and Mr. O had to enter in his BMW. Mr. S who has been my co-driver at various rallies also participated in his Benz. So a total of 8 cars started out from Ooi PA at 10am on Saturday and went down Aqualine to Kimitsu IC and on to Boso Skyline (Chiba). The parade of Amazons created a bit of a traffic jam as people turned their heads to watch us pass. This time, we had invited a professional photographer who was on Mr. O's BMW with his top pulled down. After winding our way through the hills of Boso, we had lunch at Kamogawa Ocean Par. After this, we went down the shoreline and had a coffee break at Chikura. At 4pm we reached Hatoyama-so. This is a hotel renovated from former PM Hatoyama's summer house. This is a small hotel with 29 rooms and boasts 2600 tsubos of space including seashore. It also should provide a good view of Mt. fuji but unfortunately, we only to a glimpse. But the real goal of this touring was to talk about Amazons which we had plently of time and topics. We had brought a projector with us and we passed the evening looking at scenes from various classic rallys that the participant's had entered into. We also had photos from the Amazon Owners Club between 1977 and 1982. The evening past quickly and went on into daybreak. At 11am we checked out of the hotel and quickly made our way back to Tokyo to avoid the heavy trafflc. By 1pm I was home and went out with Mr. S for soba and shochu. By 5pm, I was wasted.
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